3 November 2020

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council

Meeting Minutes


Date/ Time: Tuesday 3 November 2020 at 7.00 pm.

Location: via Video Link (Zoom).

Present (Cllrs): Mr B O’Sullivan, Chairman; Mr K Gunning, Vice Chairman;

Mr G Morris; Mr A Watts; Mrs C Hall; Cllr L Taylor; Cllr Burt; Cllr Lamyman; Mr S Woollas & Mr C East.

In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)



1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all present to the Zoom Video Link and thanked all those members recently involved with the Speed Indicator Devices, Play Area repairs & the Cemetery Tree works.


2. Public Session

No residents attended the Public Session.


3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.


4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 6 October 2020.

It was proposed by Cllr East and seconded by Cllr Taylor and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 6 October 2020, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.


5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).

Discussion took place regarding the transactions listing presented for the month of October 2020. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning, seconded by Cllr Hall and therefore Resolved that all expenses listed in Appendix A be authorised. Cllr Lamyman agreed that he would approve the payments on line by the end of the week.

Action: Cllr Lamyman to approve the payments.


6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

Cllr Overton was unable to attend the meeting.

Cllr Hagues was in attendance and briefed the Parish Council on the following matters:

NKDC Council Tax Support Consultation for FY 21/22 – starts on the 26 Oct 20 & ends on the 4 Dec 20. Pensioners and people in vulnerable groups would not be affected by these changes, but their views would be valued. NKDC will decide the shape of the Council Tax support scheme for FY 21/22 when they meet in Jan 21.

COVID 19 & Lockdown – anyone requiring assistance during lockdown because of difficulties leaving the house etc could call 01522 782189 and be linked up with a Community Support Group in their area. If you are told by NHS test & trace to self isolate you could qualify for a one off payment.


7. To consider updates from local police.

The Chairman advised that he had spoken with the Neighbourhood Policing Team, who had advised that COVID 19 was still their main priority. However, manpower had needed to be assigned to the Cliff Villages to deal with issues such as Community Protection & Drug Enforcement.


8. To consider Planning Matters

There were no observations.


9. To consider correspondence.

Actions arising from the Correspondence received:

a. Dog Fouling Signage/Posters - it was agreed that the new NKDC Dog Fouling posters could be put up round the Village and any redundant signage taken down.

Actions: Cllr Hague took an action to investigate the procedure for fines. The Clerk was to identify out of date signage and arrange for it to be removed.

b. Community Infrastructure Levy Income (CIL) & Expenditure – it was agreed that the CIL funding of £554.52 would be attributed to the North Lane Play Area slide handrail repairs.

Action: The Clerk to formally notify NKDC that the funding had been used as part payment toward this community asset.

c. DRAFT Tree Strategy Public Consultation – all Cllrs to consider & a copy to be placed in the Noticeboards.

Action: The Clerk to display a copy of the letter in the Noticeboards.


10. To discuss the donation of the Wheelright’s bench to the Parish Council.

Cllr Woollas advised that a local Contractor had offered to install the bench free of charge and only charge for the materials used. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Burt and therefore Resolved to accept the offer of services & approve the payment for the installation of the bench at a cost of £250.

Action: The Clerk took an action to arrange for a £250 bank transfer to the Venue.


11. To consider an application for the Parish Councillor vacancy.

The Clerk advised that following the resignation of Cllr Jane Thompson-Burt, NKDC Elections Team had issued a formal Vacancy Notice which had to be displayed around the Village for the period 29 Oct 20 to 18 Nov 20. Thereafter, they would advise the Parish Council if it were ok to proceed with the consideration & recruitment of applicants. The Chairman asked that the Clerk advise him of the situation post 18 Nov 20.

Action: The Clerk to update the Chairman of the outcome post 18 Nov 20.


12. To consider Village Christmas tree/Lights Options & Costs.

After considering the various options which had been explored since the last meeting, agreement was reached that a donation toward the large tree being purchased by the Navenby Business Group was the best option. It was proposed by Cllr lamyman and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved that a donation of £250 be made to the Navenby Group for the purchase of a Community Christmas Tree.

Action: The Chairman to advise the Navenby Business Group that NPC would donate £250 toward a Community Christmas Tree.


13. To consider & approve the purchase of a Mobile Phone for the Parish Office & the downloading of data from the Speed Indicator Device.

Cllr Hall advised that she had spoken with BT and would be able to purchase a mobile phone for the Parish Office at a cost of £25 per month. After consideration, it was proposed by Cllr Hall and seconded by Cllr Taylor and therefore Resolved that a mobile phone be purchased at a cost of £25 per month.

Action: Cllr Hall to confirm acceptance with BT and place an order.


14. Updates from Portfolios Holders:

a. Cemetery

The Clerk updated the Council that the Tree Contractor had now completed the works at the Cemetery & the John Cutforth Playing Field. It was agreed that the Chairman would send a letter of thanks.

Action: The Chairman to send a letter of thanks to the Tree Works Contractor. Defibrillators

Cllr Gunning briefed on the “The Circuit”, a national defibrillator network which was now connected to East Midlands Ambulance Service and more likely to be used in an emergency. It was agreed that Cllr Gunning should proceed with registering NPC defibrillators on the Circuit and that the Parish Office be the point of contact. Cllr Morris volunteered to assist Cllr Gunning where necessary.

Action: Cllr Gunning to register NPC defibrillators on “The Circuit” and liaise with the Parish Office.

b. Highways

Cllr Woollas advised on the Road Safety Review - following on from the on-site meeting with Councillor Overton on 28th August the following points are being taken forward with LCC Highways for review/consideration:

A607 Navenby to Wellingore requested speed reduction from 40mph to 30mph.

To install statutory length of double yellow lines at A607/Clint Lane junction to prevent vehicles being parked adjacent to junction.

A607 pedestrian crossing. To investigate option of installing a pedestrian controlled crossing rather that current Zebra type. If not available to replace current beacons with LED type providing improved visibility to motorists.

Increase pedestrian visibility by providing a hatched area to the North East corner of the crossing.

A607/East Rd to increase length of double yellow lines on south side of East Rd to road bend or Kings Head car park entrance.

Green Man Rd- To consider a speed limiting measure for traffic approaching village from east (a15) Possibly angle gateways on grass verges prior to Twenty Row.

There is no progress update available to-date.

Aside from above project it is confirm the increased No Parking timings outside school on East Rd will go ahead.

Headland Way development - discussion took place regarding the problems (noise & mud on the road) being experienced by residents. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to RIPPON Homes and ask that they address the issues.

Action: The Clerk to write again to RIPPON Homes Area Manager regarding operating issues on the Site.

c. Youth Club

Cllr Hall updated the Council on the latest news regarding ACTS & the Youth Club. Discussion took place regarding ACTS continuing to provide a service and the costs charged not being abated to take into account the reduced attendance numbers. The Clerk advised that the Venue Manager had informed her that the Venue would only be open for key worker training.

Action: Cllr Hall to liaise with the Venue Manager/ACTS in respect of their ability to operate within the constraints of the 2nd lockdown.

d. Navenby Car Scheme

Cllr Woollas advised that the Service remained suspended due to COVID 19 restrictions. All Volunteer Drivers are in the high risk category and therefore unable to return until it was safe to do so. Funding for the scheme currently stands at £800.

e. Play Areas

Cllr East updated the Council on the repairs recently carried out by NEWBY Leisure in North Lane & Twenty Row Play Areas. NEWBY would be coming back to Twenty Row in the next few weeks to complete the work on the Log Slide. In respect of the FY 21/22 Budget – Cllr East asked that the Clerk provide an update in respect of expenditure so far this year so that a submission could be provided.

Action: The Clerk to provide an update on Play Area expenditure for FY 20/21.

f. Schools House Trust.

No comments.

g. Cliff Cluster

The Chairman advised that the Cliff Cluster was hoping to be regenerated next year.

h. Library

Cllr Watts advised that the Library was now likely to close once more due to the 2nd lockdown. However, it may be possible that a click & collect service could be provided.

i. Finance & Administration

The Clerk gave an update on the financial position as at the end of Oct 20 and how much of the individual Budgets had been spent. The Chairman reminded all Councillors that they needed to be reviewing their portfolio requirements for FY 21/22 and to submit them to the Parish Clerk in time for the next meeting. It was agreed that the Clerk would issue a revised update on what had been spent against individual Portfolio Budgets so far this year and the balances remaining in the Current Account. Cllr Burt advised that he would be meeting with the Clerk to look thru the figures prior to the Dec 20 meeting.

Action: The Clerk to review the figures to end of Oct 20 and arrange a meeting with Cllr Burt.

j. Website/IT

The Clerk & Cllr Morris gave an update on progress with the new Website. The structure of the Website had been decided and the information passed on to Robert Arnold @ Intellitech Ltd for uploading to the new website.

Consider & approve the purchase of a 2nd large monitor for the Parish Office. It was proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Hall & therefore Resolved that the sum of £150 be approved for the purchase of a 2nd monitor for Website use.

Action: The Clerk to arrange for the purchase of a 2nd monitor from F5 Computing.

k. VENUE Trustee Chairman

The Venue Trustee Chairman confirmed that the next meeting was to be held on the 17 Nov 20 and that the Agenda would be out in the next few days.

l. Community Focus

Discussion took place regarding the “Well Being” Posters previously circulated via e mail to Council Members by Cllr Taylor. It was agreed that the posters be displayed around the Village. Cllrs Hall & Taylor took an action to arrange with the Parish Office in respect of photocopying, lamination where required and display in the Noticeboards.

Action: The Clerk to arrange for copies and lamination and then advise Cllrs Hall & Taylor.

m. Speed Indicator Device (SID).

The Chairman thanked Cllr Morris for his continued weekly efforts in respect of keeping the SID operational and Cllr Burt & Watts for their efforts in respect of the installation of the 2nd SID device. It was acknowledged that the batteries on the 1st SID were not lasting as long and that advice would need to be sought from ELANCITY regarding changing the parameters & display. Cllr Watts advised that a battery SID could not be retrofitted with a solar element. The Clerk advised that Wellingore Parish Council had offered to liaise regarding the downloading of data and was able to put Cllrs in touch if they wished to take up the offer.

The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the Video Link meeting closed at 21.30 pm.


15. Date & Time of next meeting is the 8 December 2020 at 7pm.