6 October 2020

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council

Meeting Minutes


Date/ Time: Tuesday 6 October 2020 at 7.00 pm.

Location: via Video Link (Zoom).

Present (Cllrs): Mr B O’Sullivan, Chairman; Mr K Gunning, Vice Chairman;

Mr G Morris; Mr A Watts; Mrs C Hall; Cllr L Taylor; Cllr Burt; Cllr Lamyman & Mr C East.

In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)

Absent/Apologies: Cllr S Woollas


1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all present to the Zoom Video Link. Following a letter of resignation from Cllr Jane Thompson-Burt, the Chairman wished to record his own thanks and that of the Council for her support to the Council over the past few years and wished her the best for the future.

2. Public Session

No residents attended the Public Session.

The Chairman advised that he had received a message advising against detailing the ZOOM ID Code on the Agenda or the Website for security reasons. Anyone wishing to join the meeting should obtain the code via the Parish Clerk. The latter would ensure that the individual’s details ie name and address could be confirmed.


3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

Apologies awaited from Cllr Woollas.


4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting (EGM), held on Tuesday 1st September 2020.

It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Taylor and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 1st September 2020, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.

A discussion on policing followed, with Cllr Gunning expressing concern about the lack of police visibility in the Village, the limited information on the monthly newsletter and the difficulties incurred when reporting by telephone. The Clerk advised that the PCSO had popped into the office recently and advised that there was currently very little crime in the Village. Staffing of the Neighbourhood Police Team (NPT) continued to be at a minimum due to staffing issues. Should there be a requirement for support, then it was best to ring 101 directly or to report incidents on line. The Chairman advised that he had been in touch with the NPT himself and had been advised that policing of COVID 19 regulations was taking priority. The NPT confirmed that they would endeavour to visit the Cliff Villages as and when it was possible to do so.


5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).

Discussion took place regarding the transactions listing presented for the month of September 2020. It was proposed by Cllr East, seconded by Cllr Gunning and therefore Resolved that all expenses listed in Appendix A should be authorised to be paid. Cllr Gunning advised that Cllr Lamyman needed to (if possible) do the next bank approvals or be locked out of online banking. Cllr Morris pointed out that the Appendix A detailed the home address for Cllr Watts and that it needed to be redacted before being published. The Clerk took an action to change the approvals to Cllr Lamyman and to redact Cllr Watts details from the Appendix A prior to placing on the Noticeboards and on the Website.

Action: Clerk to amend the on line bank approvals and redact the home address for Cllr Watts on the Appendix A.


6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

Cllr Overton was in attendance and briefed the Parish Council on the following matters:

Boundary Commission changes – proposed that the Cliff Villages stick together. Local people to put forward significant examples of shared assets and events.

Highways – proposed improvements to road & sign markings outside William Robertson Academy.

Schools – attendance continues to be 94% with low incidents of COVID being reported.

Green Man Road – continuing to lobby for planned improvement works. Not sure if haunching of the road was included.

Business Lincolnshire initiative being promoted.

Mrs Smith’s Cottage – positive feedback from recent visits.

Planning White Paper – due to be finalised by the 29 Oct 20.

The Clerk asked Cllr Overton to hasten Cllr Bradwell regarding the proposed changes to the Navenby Primary School Safety Zone.

Action: Cllr Overton to speak with Cllr P Bradwell and report back at the next meeting.

Cllr Hagues was in attendance and confirmed with the Clerk that she had received the monthly Newsletter. The Clerk confirmed that the newsletter had been forwarded to the Council. Cllr Overton asked that she be added to the distribution list for Cllr Hagues monthly Newsletter.

Action: The Clerk to add Cllr Overton to the Distribution List for Cllrs Hagues Newsletter.


7. To consider updates from local police.

Matter discussed at Item 4.


8. To consider Planning Matters

There were no observations.


9. To consider correspondence.

Actions arising from the Correspondence received:

Dog Fouling in North Lane - the Parish Council agreed to monitor the situation going forward and would remove when notified. Cllr Hague advised on the new Dog Fouling posters and the request by NKDC to report on whether they were having a noticeable effect.


10. To discuss the donation of the Wheelright’s bench to the Parish Council.

After consideration, and in the absence of Cllr Woollas it was agreed that this matter would be carried forward to the next meeting.

Action: The Clerk to add to the Agenda for Novembers’ meeting.


11. To consider the recruitment of a new Parish Councillor and the reassignment of the Mental Health Portfolio.

After discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk should use the existing Councillor recruitment adverts and place them around the Village.

In respect of the requirement to carry on the Mental Health Awareness initiative work, the Chairman asked those present for a volunteer. Cllrs Taylor & Hall volunteered to jointly manage this portfolio.

Action: The Clerk to arrange for Councillor recruitment posters to be displayed in the Village.


12. To consider a proposal by the Chairman to buy a Village Christmas Tree.

The Chairman put forward a proposal to purchase a large tree & lights for the Village. After discussion, it was agreed that there were options which needed to be explored before a final decision could be made. As well as a large tree with lights, the Council would look at lining the High Street with small trees or lights on the trees at the Village Green.


Cllr Taylor to speak with a representative from the Navenby Business Group regarding the cost of providing a large tree & lights in previous years.

Cllr Lamyman to obtain a quote for the provision of small trees to line the High Street.

Cllr East to investigate sourcing lights and a potential power supply for lights on the Village Green trees.

The Clerk & Asst clerk to confirm the numbers of High Street residents who had purchased Christmas trees in previous years


13. To consider & approve the NALC 2020 pay Award for the Parish Clerk & the Assistant Parish Clerk.

After consideration, it was proposed by Cllr Burt & seconded by Cllr Hall and therefore Resolved that the revised pay scale rates (of £10.44 & £9.46 respectively) be accepted and backdated to 1 Apr 20.

Action: The Clerk took an action to advise the Book Keeper of the new rates.


14. Updates from Portfolios Holders:

a. Cemetery

The Clerk updated the Council on the progress of the Tree Contractor. Works had been hampered by the bad weather, but it was hoped that they would be completed by the end ofOct 20.

b. Highways

Cllr Woollas to provide an update on the Road Safety Review at the next meeting.

Discussion took place regarding the new development at Headland Way and the problems being experienced by residents. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to RIPPON Homes and ask that they address issues in respect of:

Continued road closures – with no explanatory road signage?

Saturday working hours - wire cutting at 7.45am?

Mud on the road – wheel wash location?

Site workers using bad language & being overheard by residents?

Action: The Clerk to write to RIPPON Homes Area Manager regarding operating issues on the Site.

c. Youth Club

Cllr Hall updated the Council on the latest news regarding ACTS & the Youth Club. It was proposed by Cllr Hall and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved that additional COVID cleaning at a cost of £15 per week be approved.

Action: Cllr Hall to liaise with the Venue/ACTS in respect of the additional cleaning costs being approved.

d. Navenby Car Scheme

Service suspended due to COVID 19 restrictions. Cllr Woollas to update at the next meeting.

e. Play Areas

Cllr East advised on the ROSPA 2020 reports for both North Lane & Twenty Row Play Areas. All of the required repairs were now underway.

f. Schools House Trust.

No comments.

g. Cliff Cluster

No comments.

h. Library

Cllr Watts advised that the Library was now open and that residents were enjoying being able to participate in “limited” socializing.

i. Finance & Administration

The Clerk gave an update on the financial position as at 30 Sep 20 and how much of the individual Budgets had been spent. The Chairman reminded all Councillors that they needed to be reviewing their portfolio requirements for FY 21/22 and to submit them to the Parish Clerk in time for the next meeting.

Action: All Cllrs to submit Portfolio Budgets for FY 21/22 by 3 Nov 20.

j. Website/IT

The Clerk & Cllr Morris gave an update on progress with the new Website. The structure of the Website needed to be decided, after which the information could then be passed on to Robert Arnold @ Intellitech Ltd for uploading to the new website.

Action: The Clerk to meet with Cllr Morris (7 Oct 20) to determine the structure of the new Website.

k. VENUE Trustee Chairman

No comments.

l. Mrs Smiths Cottage

The Chairman advised that as the Cottage was now up and running, the portfolio could now be closed. The Clerk took an action to amend the Agenda for the next meeting.

Action: Clerk to delete the “Mrs Smith’s Cottage” portfolio.

m. Speed Indicator Device (SID).

The Chairman thanked Cllr Morris for his continued weekly efforts in respect of keeping the SID operational.

The Clerk advised that the second SOLAR SID was due to be delivered on the 16 Oct 20, the Qty 10 Passive Speed Signs had been delivered & that LRSP had completed the works on the SID post opposite Odlings.

The Chairman asked for a vote in respect of the siting position for the 2nd SID. For Urban Angels there was 2 votes in favour and for Odlings there were 5 votes. It was therefore agreed, that the Solar SID would be installed on the post opposite Odlings.

Actions: Upon receipt of the 2nd SID, the Clerk to advise Cllrs Watts & Burt.

The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the Video Link meeting closed at 20.55 pm.


15. Date & Time of next meeting is the 3 November 2020 at 7pm.