September 2024 Agenda

Village Office & Community Access Point

The Venue, Grantham Road, Navenby, Lincoln LN5 0JJ
Chairman: Tim Everett 
Clerk: Susan Letham 
Tele: 01522 811132

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to join a Meeting of Navenby with Skinnand Parish Council to be conducted in the Parish Office, on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 7.00pm.


1.  Vice Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks.

2.  The PUBLIC SESSION will follow and last for fifteen minutes.  Members of the Public may ask questions or make short statements to the Parish Council.

3.   Apologies for Absence and declaration of interests - to receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.   And, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, consider any applications for dispensations in relation to pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

4.  To approve and accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 9th July 2024. Clerk to update on any outstanding actions.

5. To consider and approve the election of a new Chairman.

6.  To resolve and approve the financial report and authorise payments.

7.  To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

8.  To consider matters pertaining to local Policing.     

9.  To consider Planning Matters:

a.  Applications:

24/0701/FUL St Peters Church Navenby, reroof north & south roofs with terne coated stainless steel.

b.  Correspondence:

24/0635/VARCON 2 Manor Farm Navenby – application withdrawn.

24/0471/HOUS Old Rectory North Lane Navenby – solar panels approved.

c.  Tree Conservation:

24/0975/TCA 15 North Lane Navenby – various tree remedials.

24/0992/TPO St Peters Church Navenby – various tree remedials.

24/0997/TCA St Peters Church Navenby – various tree remedials.

10. To consider correspondence.

11. To consider and approve a nominee for the NKDC Community Champion Award.

12. Updates from Portfolio Holders 

a. CEMETERY – update from Cllr Gunning.  To consider and approve a quotation for the sum of £1750 in respect additional grounds maintenance.

b. HIGHWAYS – update from Cllr Burt on progress with the Community Speed Watch (CSW) initiative. 

c. NAVENBY CAR SCHEME – update from Cllr Watson.

d. PLAY AREAS – updates from Cllr East, McFaul & Lamyman.

To consider and approve a quotation for the sum of £350.87 exc VAT in respect of new entrance signage for the North Lane & Twenty Row play areas.

e. SCHOOL HOUSE TRUST – update from Cllr Lamyman.

f. LIBRARY – update from Cllr Watts.

g. WEBSITE/IT - update from Cllr Carless on NPC Website.

Update from Cllrs Burt & McFaul on the outcome of the Community Consultation Contract.

To consider and approve a quotation for the sum of £2750 exc VAT for the repair of a collapsed drain.  

Consideration & confirmation of a change of name for the Venue building and a quotation from Venture Signs?

Cllr Burt to brief on the outcome of the Insurance claim.

i. COMMUNITY WELLBEING inc Youth Café/Club:

Update from Cllr McFaul iro Youth Café/Club. 

j. SPEED INDICATOR DEVICE (SID) – update from Cllr Burt. 
k. DEFIBRILLATORS – update from Cllr Gunning.

l. STREET LAMPS – update from Cllr Gunning.
13. Date of future meetings: 1st October & 5th November 2024.

Signed:   S Letham (Parish Clerk)

Date:   30th August 2024