April 2024 Agenda

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to join a Meeting of Navenby with Skinnand Parish Council to be conducted in the Parish Office, on Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 7.00pm.


1.  Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks.
2.  The PUBLIC SESSION will follow and last for fifteen minutes.  Members of the Public may ask questions or make short statements to the Parish Council. 
3.   Apologies for Absence and declaration of interests - to receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.   And, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, consider any applications for dispensations in relation to pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.
4.  To approve and accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 5th March 2024. Clerk to update on any outstanding actions.
5.  To resolve and approve the financial report and authorise payments.
6.  To consider updates from District/County Councillors.
7.  To consider matters pertaining to local Policing.      
8.  To consider Planning Matters:

a.  Applications:
24/00093/HOUS 8 Winton Gardens Navenby - Installation of garage door to existing open car port.

b.  Correspondence:
None received.

c.  Tree Conservation:
24/0278/TCA 5 Heritage Court Navenby - Remove 2 & prune 2 Silver Birch trees.
24/0324/TCA Albion House 22 Clint Lane Navenby – Reduce Willow tree by 2.5m & reduce Holly tree by 2.5m.

9. To consider correspondence.

18 Mar Hedgehogs R Us – request to take part in the Hedgehogs R us Highway Project @ a cost of £150.
27 Mar National Grid – Proposed new Navenby Sub Station, request for briefing ahead of Summer consultation.

10. Approval of NPC Schedule of Meetings for 2024/25.
11. Updates from Portfolio Holders 

a. CEMETERY – update from Cllr Gunning.

To consider & retrospectively approve a replacement quotation from CPM Joinery for the stonework repairs to the Lych gate at a cost of £3370 exc VAT.

To consider actions required iro grounds sinkage over several graves.

b. HIGHWAYS – update from Cllr Burt on progress with the Community Speed Watch (CSW) initiative. 
c. NAVENBY CAR SCHEME – update from Cllr Watson.

d. PLAY AREAS – updates from Cllr East, McFaul & Lamyman.

e. SCHOOL HOUSE TRUST – update from Cllr Lamyman.

f. LIBRARY – update from Cllr Watts.

g. WEBSITE/IT - update from Cllr McFaul & Cllr Carless.
Update from Cllr Burt on progress with the Community Consultation Contract & End of Year Financial Report.

Update from Cllr Gunning in respect of the car accident damage to the Venue building.

Update from Cllr Standen on proposal to purchase & install solar panels on the roof of the Venue.  NPC to consider funding up to 50% of the cost of a solar power system for the Venue as matched funding in support of a prosperity fund grant application. 

To discuss business advertising posters outside of the Venue on the grass verge, signposts, and the Venue hedge.


Update from Cllr McFaul.

j. SPEED INDICATOR DEVICE (SID) – update from Cllr Watts. To consider & approve the purchase of a “Twin Pack” Evolis Vision Solar Version SID from ElanCity at a cost of £3,999 ex VAT.
k. DEFIBRILLATORS – update from Cllr Gunning.

l. STREET LAMPS – update from Cllr Gunning.
12. Date of future meetings: 14th May & 4th June 2024.

Signed:   S Letham (Assistant Parish Clerk)                                        
Date:   4th April 2024