September 2022 Minutes


Date/ Time: Tuesday 6 September 2022 at 7.00 pm.


Location:  The Parish Office @ The Venue, Navenby.



Present (Cllrs):            Mr M Burt (Chairman), Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman); Mr S Woollas; Mr K Lamyman; Mr G Morris & Mr C East, Mrs E Carless, Mr A Watts & Mrs E McRitchie.    


In Attendance:            Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)






1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks


The Chairman welcomed all present.


2. Public Session


There were 4 residents in attendance, 3 of which advised they were there to observe the meeting.  The 4th resident (Mr Gallagher) advised the Council of his recent road accident.  The incident took place on the High Street outside his property adjacent to the Methodist Chapel.  Mr Gallagher expressed his concern regarding speeding vehicles and the reporting of such incidents to the Police.  The Chairman advised that he should report the matter directly to the Police so that it would be formally recorded.  Over the last 12 months NPC had been in contact with Lincs Police frequently regarding issues with speeding.  With few accidents and injuries, a Community Speed Watch (CSW) was deemed to be the best way forward as mobile speed vans etc were dedicated to high accident and injury sites.  The Chairman asked the resident to consider joining the local CSW that was being set up.


3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.




4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meetings, held on Tuesday 12 July 2022.


It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr East and therefore RESOLVED that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 12 July 22, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.


5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).


It was proposed by Cllr East and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore RESOLVED that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised.   Cllr Lamyman advised that he’d authorise the payments on line.  


6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.


Cllr L Hagues – confirmed with the Clerk receipt of her monthly Newsletter and reminded those present of the public consultation event on the 13 Sep 22 regarding the Hykeham relief road.   


Cllr M Overton was not in attendance.


7. To consider updates from local police.


No comments.


8. To consider Planning Matters


a. Planning Applications – 22/1087/HOUS 36 Ermine Drive Navenby LN5 0HB – discussion took place regarding the objection by a neighbour to the proposed erection of a conservatory.  The Clerk advised that a representative from the Planning Dept had attended the property and was content that there would be no adverse effects to neighbouring properties.


b. Correspondence – no comments.


c. Tree Conservation – No comments.


9. To consider correspondence.


Actions arising from the correspondence received:


30 Jun St Peters Church – proposal to close church yard.  See Item 10.

19 Jul St Peters Church Warden – request for funds to repair clock toller system.  After discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk would pass a copy of the request to Cllr East and hasten the Church Warden to see if they would be submitting a GRANT application request for the repair.

12 Aug Resident – concerns about trees in the Cemetery.  The Clerk advised that she’d hasten advice from a local Tree Surgeon.

17 Aug Anglian Water – proposed new reservoir.  Cllr Hagues advised that she’d update NPC when she had news of the proposed location.

18 Aug NKDC – Litter Picking GRANT for FY 22/23.  It was agreed the Clerk would submit a application to NKDC.

19 Aug LINDUM Group – proposed meeting to discuss outcome of the resident’s survey.  It was agreed that the Clerk would liaise with LINDUM regarding a date for the meeting & obtain the results of the resident’s survey.


10. To consider and approve the transfer of responsibility for St Peters Church Yard from Graffoe parish to NPC.


After discussion, it was agreed that the Chairman would write to the Graffoe PCC and obtain confirmation that ashes have not been buried since 1931.  In parallel, he was also to write to NKDC regarding a possible surcharge to NPC should they take over responsibility for the Churchyard.


Action:  The Chairman to wite to Graffoe PCC regarding closure of the Churchyard and to NKDC regarding possible surcharge to NPC.


11.  To consider & approve the Farm Tenancy Lease renewal for another 3 years.


After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Woollas and seconded by Cllr Carless and therefore RESOLVED that the farm tenancy lease be renewed for another 3 years (as is) to the current tenant.  Cllr Woollas advised that he’d liaise with Mr Calder regarding drawing up a renewal lease for signature.


Action:  Cllr Woollas to liaise with the tenant regarding renewal of the parish field lease.  


12.  Updates from Portfolios Holders:


a. Cemetery


Gatehouse woodwork & railings repaint – it was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore RESOLVED to approve the sum of £1100 (for labour and materials) iro the refurbishment work.


Grounds Maintenance – Cllr Gunning asked the Clerk to contact the Contractor and arrange for the grass at the front of the Gatehouse to be cut & strimmed.






b. Highways


Community Speed Watch – the Chairman confirmed that an application had now been submitted to LRSP and that upon payment of the membership fee they would look to process the request.


High Street Bollard repair – Cllr Woollas sought confirmation from the Clerk that the recently submitted invoice from the Contractor would be paid promptly.  Bollard repairs, under a previous approval, do not need approval at a monthly meeting.


NPC Main Noticeboard repaint – after discussion, it was agreed that rather than repaint the noticeboard a good clean would suffice for the time being.  The proposal will be revisited next year.


c.  Navenby Car Scheme


Cllr McRitchie advised that there were currently no issues with the scheme and that the uptake remained low.


d.  Play Areas


ROSPA Annual Inspection, update from Cllr East – Cllr briefed the Council on the inspection reports iro North Lane & Twenty Row play areas.  The report highlighted issues such as trip hazards, loose plastic holds on the Monkey Challenge, rusty bin, fire damage to benches, large weeds around the slide and the absence of a “no flying kites” sign.  Cllr East advised that he’d address the issues highlighted.  The Clerk was asked to arrange for the grounds contractor to remove the large weeds around and under the slide.


Purchase of additional plastic holds for the Monkey Challenge – after discussion it was agreed to postpone this purchase and review in the next FY.


Youth Engagement meeting held on the 24 AUG 22 –  Cllr Watts advised that a meeting with   younger residents and a few parents had been very successful and that there was lots of good suggestions in respect of items that could be purchased for various sites in the village.  Namely, these were group shelters (similar to the one in Wellingore) in locations such as North Lane, John Cutforth field and Pitfield Walk.  Also, a Multi-use Games Area was another popular suggestion along with an outside trim trail.  The meeting had concluded with a request to meet again, but this time during the school term so that more children could attend.  The Clerk advised that she had already spoken with one of the parents who had attended the meeting, regarding the provision of a shopping list which was prioritized by location.   She would await this list and then circulate around the council members for consideration.


Suspect underage drinking @ North Lane Play Area – due to the volume of cans & bottles being deposited in and around the play area, there was a concern that there may be underage drinking.  The Clerk was asked to bring this to the attention of the Neighbourhood Policing Team and the ASB team at NKDC.


LINDUM Homes £10K Donation – Cllr Gunning advised on his recent meeting with a representative from LINDUM homes and their proposed donation to NPC.  Agreed at the meeting was funding to purchase a new bus shelter, bench and an outdoor trim trail.  Cllr Gunning asked that the Clerk contact Mark Foster at Lindum to make the arrangements for the transfer of money.  Cllr Woollas advised that a formal application for a new bus stop would have to be submitted to Lincs County Council.  The Chairman asked that Cllr Woollas look into what was required and arrange for the paperwork to be submitted.


Actions:  The Clerk to contact LINDUM regarding the transfer of funding to NPC and Cllr Woollas to look at submitting an application for a new bus stop.


e.  Schools House Trust (SHT).


Cllr Lamyman advised that he had spoken with the SHT and due to having only one meeting in the last 5 years there was currently no need for a Parish Council representation.


f.  Library


Cllr Watts advised the number of people joining the library was steadily increasing.


g. WEBSITE/IT        


Cllr Carless confirmed that currently only information type “posts” are placed on the NPC FB Social page.  Residents are encouraged to speak directly to the parish office should they have any issues.


h. VENUE Trustee Chairman


The Chairman advised that the Venue was continuing to see a rise in the number of bookings and, those from larger organisations like the NHS.  These bookings helped to ensure that the facility remains viable and available to locals at reasonable rates of hire.


Purchase of new CCTV system – it was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr McRitchie and therefore RESOLVED that the sum of £2600 be approved for the supply and installation only of a CCTV system.  It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr East and therefore RESOLVED that one third of the costs be paid by the Venue and the remainder by NPC.  Following installation, the Venue were to manage the CCTV operation and arrange for repairs as necessary.


Installation of a flagpole – it was proposed by Cllr McRitchie and seconded by Cllr East and therefore RESOLVED that the sum of £200 be approved for the installation of a flagpole.


i. Community Wellbeing


Reallocation of portfolio – Cllrs McRitchie & Morris volunteered to assist with managing the portfolio.


j. Speed Indicator Device (SID).


Cllr Watts presented the most recent stats and advised that despite the A607 road closure, the numbers were roughly the same as the previous month.



k. Defibrillators.


Cllr Gunning advised that there continued to be a shortage of pads for the Defibrillator and that hopefully we would receive our replacements for the Venue device in the coming weeks.


l. Street Lamps.


Cllr Gunning advised that NPC’s energy supplier for unmetered electricity was supplied by NPOWER Business Solutions on a fixed deal until OCT 22.


The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 20.35 hrs.


13. Date & Time of next meeting is the 4 October 22 at 7pm.







Minutes Accepted:   Original Signed M J Burt  Chairman   Date:  4th October 2022                          


