June 2022 Minutes
Date/ Time: Tuesday 7 June 2022 at 7.00 pm.
Location: The Parish Office @ The Venue, Navenby.
Present (Cllrs): Mr M Burt Chairman, Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman); Mr A Watts; Mr S Woollas; Mr K Lamyman; Mr G Morris; Mrs E McRitchie & Mr C East.
In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)
Absent/Apologies: Mrs E Carless & Dr J Mills
1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks
The Chairman welcomed all present and thanked those who had attended the Annual Parish meeting held on the 25 May 22. Several residents attended the event and were keen to share their concerns and ideas in respect of the village. The Chairman hoped that this would be the start of NPC socially engaging with its community.
2. Public Session
There were no residents in attendance.
3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.
Apologies received from Mrs E Carless & Dr J Mills.
4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meetings, held on Tuesday 3 May 2022.
It was proposed by Cllr McRitchie and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore RESOLVED that the minutes from the previous Parish Council AGM meeting, held on Tuesday 3 May 22, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.
It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr East and therefore RESOLVED that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 3 May 22, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.
5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).
It was proposed by Cllr Watts and seconded by Cllr McRitchie and therefore RESOLVED that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised.
6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.
Cllr L Hagues – confirmed with the Clerk receipt of her monthly Newsletter.
Cllr M Overton was not in attendance.
7. To consider updates from local police.
No comments.
8. To consider Planning Matters
Planning Applications – no comments.
Correspondence – 22/0213/OUT Land adj Cliff Villages medical Practice Navenby amended plan. After discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Woollas would provide the Clerk with a response to NKDC regarding the 30-40 MPH speed limit, road markings and a pedestrian walkway.
Action: Cllr Woollas to provide a response to NKDC.
Tree Conservation – No comments.
9. To consider correspondence.
Actions arising from the correspondence received:
c. 18 May Cllr East – update on flagpole planning application. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore RESOLVED that the sum of £700 exc VAT be approved for the purchase & installation of a flagpole and flags.
d. 19 May Resident – resident submission of outdoor exercise equipment on the JC field. After discussion it was agreed that Cllrs McRitchie & East would look to obtain prices for outdoor play equipment.
Action: Cllrs McRitchie & East to obtain quotes for outdoor exercise equipment.
10. Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2021/2022:
a. To read out, fill in and sign Section 1 – Annual Governance & Accountability Return AGAR 2021/2022. Read out and signed by the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO), as well as signed by the Chairman.
b. To accept and sign Section 2 – Accounting Statement 2021/2022 of the AGAR. Proposed by Cllr Watts and seconded by Cllr McRitchie and therefore RESOLVED to accept Section 2 of the Accounting Statement. Signed by the Chairman & the RFO.
c. To accept Statement of Accounts and authorise the chairman to sign them. Proposed by Cllr Watts and seconded by Cllr McRitchie and therefore RESOLVED to accept the Statement of Accounts. Signed by the Chairman & the RFO.
11. To agree an appropriate rate of pay for the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO), benchmarked against other employees of the Navenby Parish Council.
After discussion it was proposed by Cllr McRitchie and seconded by Cllr Woollas and therefore RESOLVED that the RFOs pay scale be increased to £12.95 (Spine Point 17 of the NALC Pay Scale) and take effect from the 8 JUN 22.
12. Updates from Portfolios Holders:
a. Cemetery
Cllr Gunning advised that there was currently an issue in the cemetery regarding the accumulation of ornamentation around memorial stones. This was causing issues with strimming the grass etc. it was agreed that Cllr Gunning & the Clerk would carry out an inspection of the area to fully identify how many graves were affected. In respect of the height of one particular grave – the Clerk advised that she’d contact Pat Cook Funerals to discuss having the level reduced in in line with other graves.
Actions The Clerk & Cllr Gunning to carry out an inspection of the cemetery. The Clerk to speak to Pat Cook Funerals regarding height levels on graves.
b. Highways
Pottergate Road Junction with A607– following an e mail from a resident, Cllr Woollas asked that the Clerk raise a work order on Fix my Street to have the white lines repainted. Discussion took place regarding one way signage and Cllr Woollas agreed to confirm that the signs which had been in place at the junction were still there. The Clerk was asked to e mail Highways regarding the confusing situation for drivers at the Pottergate Junction.
Damage to Bus Shelters on the A607 – Cllr Woollas asked that the Clerk speak to the original manufacturer and see if they did repairs as well as the Parish Caretaker.
Actions: Cllr Woollas to check that No Entry signs were still in position at Pottergate Junction. The Clerk to raise a work order on Fix My Street for white lining and to contact highways regarding the one way system at the Pottergate Junction. The Clerk to source repairs for the damaged bus shelters.
c. Navenby Car Scheme
The Clerk advised that there seemed to be a problem with e mailing the NCS Co-ordinator and that e mails were not being opened. Cllr McRitchie took an action to investigate and update at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr McRitchie to speak to the NCS Co-ordinator regarding checking e mails.
d. Play Areas
Twenty Row - Cllr East confirmed that the new climbing frame was now in position. Discussion took place regarding the siting of the frame and Cllr East advised that sufficient room had been allowed either side for access by Contractors. Cllr Lamyman agreed to speak to Finding Fitness regarding procuring extra hand holds and having them placed on the reverse of the frame.
North Lane – Cllr East advised that he was currently looking at an option to install additional fence panels to the top of the existing gates and had sent the details in an e mail to the Clerk for onward transmission to NEWBY Leisure. Cllr McRitchie advised that access across the wall of the play area was still possible – Cllr Lamyman agreed to investigate.
Actions: Cllr Lamyman to investigate additional fencing for North Lane and contact Finding Fitness in respect of providing extra hand holds for the reverse of the climbing frame.
e. Schools House Trust (SHT).
No comments.
f. Library
Cllr Watts advised that there were no issues with the library and that there had been one new volunteer.
No comments.
h. VENUE Trustee Chairman
Cllr Burt advised that the Clerk to the Trustees had handed in their resignation and would be leaving at the end of Jun 22. The Venue Team were currently looking at the income & expenditure figures for the Venue in order to determine whether recruiting a Deputy Manager is a viable option.
i. Community Wellbeing
No comments.
j. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
Cllr Watts advised that the latest data download figures were pretty much the same as the previous month. At the south end of the A607 14.7% of vehicles were exceeding the 30 MPH speed limit which equated to approximately 30,000 vehicles a month.
New SID – Cllr Watts advised that a new post would be required on Green Man Road to accommodate the new device. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact LRSP and ask for someone to come out and assist with determining the most appropriate location.
Battery SID Device – after discussion it was agreed that Cllr Morris would hand over the recharging of the batteries to Cllrs Watts & Woollas.
SID Mounting Posts - Cllr Watts asked that the Chairman add the following requirements to the list he was compiling:
A607. New pole to be installed approx 2 metres north of light post No 1
Extend pole outside No 60 Green Man Rd.
High Dyke New pole to be installed 5 metres South of lighting pole No PN21
High Dyke New pole to be installed opposite PN9 lighting pole on West side
of the road.
Extend the existing pole outside No 10 twenty Row.
Action: The Clerk to e mail LRSP and ask for a meeting in respect of installing a new post on Green Man Road.
k. Defibrillators.
Cllr Gunning advised that due to a worldwide shortage of replacements pads, the defibrillator @ the Venue would be without pads. It was hoped that the situation would soon be rectified.
l. Street Lamps.
No comments.
The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 20.30 hrs.
13. Date & Time of next meeting is the 5 July 22 at 7pm.
Minutes Accepted: Original Signed K E Gunning - Vice Chairman Date: 12th July 2022