November 2022 Minutes
Date/ Time: Tuesday 1 November 2022 at 7.00 pm.
Location: The Parish Office @ The Venue, Navenby.
Present (Cllrs): Mr M Burt (Chairman), Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman); Mr S Woollas; Mr K Lamyman; Mrs E Carless; Mr A Watts; Mrs H McFaul, Mrs E McRitchie & Mrs G Delves.
In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)
Absent/Apologies: Mr C East & Mr G Morris
1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks
The Chairman welcomed all present.
2. Public Session
There was one Navenby resident in attendance and she highlighted the following concerns:
The Parish Council was not advertising its monthly expenditure along with the Agenda. The resident felt that this should be done in order that residents could raise any issues they had at the meeting. The Chairman advised that he’d look into the matter and respond in due course.
Action: The Chairman to consider the current format of the Agenda and what additional information should/could be provided.
Resident E Mail Circulation List - the resident proposed that the Parish Council look to introduce a circulation list for residents and forward them information on planning matters, traffic restriction orders and any other general information that may be of interest. This proposal would show that the Council was engaging with the Community and that it would also raise its profile. The Chairman thanked the resident for her proposal and offer of help to introduce the circulation list. The matter would be formally considered at item 10 later in the meeting.
Planning Application 22/1464/FUL 41 High Street Navenby – the resident advised that this type of development was not in keeping with the character of the village and that there were several inconsistencies with the applicants planning statement. The resident advised that she would be submitting her comments to NKDC in due course.
Proposed Health & Wellbeing Initiative in Wellingore - A resident from Wellingore advised that she was currently working with Wellingore Parish Council regarding a proposal (value £1.2M) to improve the health of the residents. The proposal would look to introduce such things as a skate park, par core run and kids and adult sports equipment. Her aim was to get the village healthy and then gradually roll it out county wide and then UK wide. She offered to extend this proposal to Navenby Parish Council. The Chairman thanked her for attending the meeting and asked that she have a look at the recreational facilities in Navenby and submit a proposal to the Parish Council for the next meeting.
3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.
Mr G Morris & Mr C East.
4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meetings, held on Tuesday 4 October 2022.
It was proposed by Cllr Watts and seconded by Cllr McFaul and therefore RESOLVED that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 4 October 22, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.
5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).
Further to the Expenditure Approval List circulated prior to the meeting, the Clerk provided the Councillors with an amended copy. The latter was required due to an error in the calculation of VAT on one payment. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr McRitchie and therefore RESOLVED that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised. Cllr Gunning advised that he’d authorise the payments on line.
6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.
Cllr L Hagues was in attendance and briefed on the following:
Anglian Water proposed new reservoir – the public consultation period will be from Oct to Dec 22.
Avian Flu – a reported case at a farm near Ancaster.
NKDC Code of Conduct – briefing taking place on the 28 Nov 22.
NKDC Digital Hub – IT help & support being made available.
Cllr M Overton - was in attendance and briefed on the following:
Children in Care – 500 in Lincolnshire.
Anglian Water proposed new reservoir – 20 homes were likely to be affected.
Local Govt Assoc – a shortfall of £18Bn across local government departments. Likely to be significant cuts in the next FY.
Telephone & Online SCAMs - increasing in the local area.
7. To consider updates from local police.
No comments.
8. To consider Planning Matters
a. Planning Applications – 22/1464/FUL 41 High Street Navenby change of use from office to drinking establishment. After discussion it was agreed that all Councillors would submit their comments to the Clerk who would then forward a consolidated response to NKDC.
b. Correspondence – ENF/728170 alterations to 1st floor of Odlings Butchers Shop, Cllr Woollas advised that a full planning application had been requested by NKDC.
Action: All Councillors to submit comments in respect of para 8a to the Clerk for onward transmission to NKDC.
c. Tree Conservation – No comments.
9. To consider correspondence.
Actions arising from the correspondence received since the last meeting:
20 Oct 22 Resident – School drop off and collection issues on Chapel Lane. After discussion it was agreed that there was little NPC could as it had no control over illegal parking on the highway or private driveways. Cllr Delves advised that previously when all 3 school exits were open the parking issues were not quite as bad. The Clerk was asked to write to the Headmaster and find out if all exits could be opened.
Action: The Clerk to write to the Headmaster of Navenby Primary School and enquire whether or not additional school exits could be opened to spread the parking around the school.
10. To consider and approve the introduction of a residents E Mail Circulation List.
Further to Item 2 and after discussion, it was proposed by Cllr McFaul and seconded by Cllr Delves and therefore RESOLVED that NPC would look to consult with residents. It was agreed that the Clerk would liaise with Cllrs Delves & Carless to produce a suitable advert and to advertise the proposal on the Parish Website, Social Media and in the Graffoe LINK.
Action: The Clerk along with Cllrs Delves & Carless to prepare an advert and display on the Website, Social Media and in the Graffoe LINK.
11. NPC farm Tenancy Agreement – to discuss & approve the review by a Land Agent.
After discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should approach Brown & Co and ask that they undertake a review of NPCs current tenancy document.
Action: The Clerk to contact & formally engage Brown & Co to review NPCs current tenancy agreement.
12. Budget for FY 23/24 – RFO to update on current FY 22/23 budget position and request submission of bids from portfolio holders.
The RFO read out the financial statement and asked that all portfolio holders provide their FY 23/24 bids by the 1 DEC 22. The RFO advised that the EDGE comparison report was not available due to an issue with the software. It was agreed that the RFO would e mail the comparison report out to all Councillors the following day.
1. All portfolio holders to submit FY 23/24 bids to the RFO by the 1 DEC 22 2. The RFO to resolve the issue with the comparison report and forward to the Councillors for consideration.
13. Updates from Portfolios Holders:
a. Cemetery
Cemetery Lychgate repair quote – the Clerk advised that she had contacted the Stonemason and would organizing a date for them to meet with Cllr Gunning.
Action: The Clerk to speak with DMR Restorations regarding meeting up with Cllr Gunning to assess the damage to the Lychgate stone supports.
b. Highways
Proposed new Bus Shelters adjacent to Top Farm development - Cllr Woollas gave a brief update on his progress with LCC regarding the location and provision of the bus stop & shelters. He confirmed that the building of the new houses merited a bus stop in its own right. LCC had advised that a GRANT of £3K per shelter could be made available in this FY. Cllr Woollas advised that he’d continue to progress with a formal application.
Community Speed Watch – the Clerk advised that ten of the volunteers would be receiving their training on the 22 NOV 22.
Grantham Road North Bound – Cllr Woollas advised that LCC have confirmed ownership of this bus stop and will be carrying out repairs in FY 23/24.
Actions: The Clerk to report the road sign & bus shelter faults on Fix My Street.
c. Navenby Car Scheme
Cllr McRitchie advised that there were currently no issues and that take up of the service remained low.
d. Play Areas
ROSPA Annual Inspection - via e mail Cllr East advised that himself, Cllr Lamyman & McRitchie would meet up on the 9 NOV 22 to discuss the reports for North Lane & Twenty Row play areas.
Highdyke open space – Cllr Gunning asked the Clerk to speak with NKDC regarding the locked gate at the south end of the open space.
Provision of a Trim Trail at the JC Field - it was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr McFaul and therefore RESOLVED that a Trim Trail would be purchased and installed on the JC field at a cost of £8K.
e. Schools House Trust (SHT).
No comments.
f. Library
Cllr Watts advised that they were currently experiencing a low footfall.
Cllr Carless advised that the Website & social media continued to have their individual problems, however items were still able to be posted. It was hoped that they would soon be able to post the latest information on the newly formed Community Speed Watch initiative.
h. VENUE Trustee Chairman
The Chairman advised that he would be meeting with the Venue Manager and a representative of the Navenby Junior football club to discuss issues regarding inconsiderate parking at the weekend.
i. Community Wellbeing
No comments.
j. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
Cllr Watts advised that the SID data continued to show that incoming and outgoing traffic volumes were roughly the same. He proposed that the SID located across from Odlings the Butchers would be better sited elsewhere. In respect of the weekly battery changes, he asked for volunteers to assist. In order to reduce the battery changes he advised that he would be researching the viability of using lithium batteries instead. The Chairman asked that he also seek out suppliers and obtain a quote. Cllr Carless asked that she be provided with the latest data so it could be posted on the Website and social media.
Actions: Volunteers for SID battery changes to contact the Clerk. The Clerk to forward Cllr Carless the OCT 22 SID data. Cllr Watts to research the proposal to use lithium batteries in the SID.
k. Defibrillators.
No comments.
l. Street Lamps.
No comments.
The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 21.00 hrs.
14. Date & Time of next meeting is the 6 December 22 at 7pm.
Minutes Accepted: Original Signed M J Burt Chairman Date: 13th December 2022