February 2022 Minutes
Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council
Meeting Minutes
Date/ Time: Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7.00 pm.
Location: The Club Room @ The Venue, Navenby.
Present (Cllrs): Mr M Burt Chairman, Mr K Gunning Vice Chairman, Mr S Woollas, Mrs E Carless, Mr Watts, Dr J Mills, Mr K Lamyman & Mrs E McRitche.
In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)
Absent/Apologies: Mr G Morris & Mr C East
1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks
The Chairman welcomed all present.
2. Public Session
There was 1 resident in attendance at the Public Session.
U3A 40th Anniversary - as part of the celebrations, the resident asked if the Council couldn consider and approve a piece of land within the village where the U3A members could plant 4 memorial trees. It was agreed that the Council members would give the matter some consideration and advise the resident of the outcome.
Green Man Road – the resident asked if the Council could consider the relocation of the speed indicator device on Green Man Road to a point adjacent to the Twenty Row properties. Cllr Watts advised that a device has previously been located at that site and would do so again in due course.
3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.
Apologies received from Mr G Morris & Mr C East.
4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 11 January 2022.
It was proposed by Cllr Mills and seconded by Cllr McRitchie and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 11 January 22, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.
5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).
It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised.
The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Lamyman would approve the payments on-line.
6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.
Cllr L Hagues – confirmed with the Clerk that she had received her recent Newsletter.
Cllr M Overton – confirmed with the Clerk that she had received her recent Newsletter, and went onto brief in more detail the following subjects from her Newsletter:
Council Tax – to increase by 3%
District Council Tax – up by £5 per Band B property
Police Precept – not known but likely to increase
Govt funding to Local Councils – funding reduced
7. To consider updates from local police.
The Clerk confirmed that she was not yet in receipt of the latest Police report. Cllr Gunning advised that he had recently spoken with PC Matt Roberts from the Neighbourhood Policing Team. Concerns had been expressed in respect of the monthly Police report which did not focus on Navenby specifically and any statistics were normally 2 months out of date. Cllr Hagues advised that she’d make enquires with Lincs Police and see what could be done about the report.
PC Matt Roberts joined the meeting and gave a brief on his Team, their role & responsibilities. He advised that there were no response police dedicated to a specific area, therefore policing would always be reactive. The PCSOs work directly to him and where there are issues that occur repeatedly at certain times of the day – they can alter their shifts to investigate. PC Roberts went on to assure the Council that he was in the Village nearly everyday and was happy to pop into the Office as and when required.
8. To consider Planning Matters
Planning Applications – No comments.
Correspondence – No comments.
Tree Conservation – No comments.
9. To consider correspondence.
Actions arising from the correspondence received:
c. 11 Jan Resident – concerns about dog waste & litter. The Clerk to arrange a meeting with the Walking Wombles Co-ordinator to discuss the litter issues within the village.
e. 14 Jan LRSP – Seed Survey 22 Feb 22. The Chairman & Cllr Woollas to meet with Simon Hart from LRSP on the 22 Feb 22.
g. 18 Jan HM Lord Lieutenant of Lincs – Queens Platinum Jubilee. The Clerk to confirm with The Venue Manager whether any Jubilee parties had been booked.
h.18 Jan Resident – Wombles request for support & equipment. It was proposed by Cllr Burt & seconded by Cllr McRitchie and therefore RESOLVED that the sum of £250 be approved for the purchase of litter picking equipment.
i. 19 Jan Finding Fitness – proposal for a Lottery funded Monkey Challenge wall. Cllr Lamyman to look for an installation site (preferably Twenty Row vicinity). Cllr Woollas advised that a safety surface would also be required.
l. 21 Jan Highways – East Road resurfacing works. The Clerk to confirm with Highways the access arrangement for the residents of East Road.
q. 27 Jan Highways – drainage works at Twenty Row. The Clerk to ascertain from Highways when works are complete and inform the residents.
10. Updates from Portfolios Holders:
a. Cemetery
Cllr Gunning advised that there was currently an issue with sunken & raised graves. Raised graves were a result of grave diggers not removing enough spoil from the site. The Clerk confirmed that she had approached Pat Cook Funerals and was waiting to hear back about their intended remedial action. In respect of the sunken grave space, the Clerk advised that she would be contacting the family.
b. Highways
Cllr Woollas advised on the following:
East Road – Cllr Woollas reported that the road resurfacing work was planned to take place during the half term week.
c. Navenby Car Scheme
Cllr Woollas advised that Cllr McRitchie was going to take over as the Co-ordinator and that there were still no volunteers coming forward in respect of the driver positions. Cllr Woollas asked that the Clerk advise the RFO of the need to transfer the unused funding from FY 21/22 to FY 22/23.
d. Play Areas
No comments.
e. Schools House Trust.
Cllr Woollas asked Cllr Lamyman to contact the School House Trust for an update on their activities.
Action: Cllr Lamyman to speak with a representative from the Schools House Trust.
f. Cliff Cluster
Cllr Overton advised the Clerk that going forward this item could be removed from the Agenda. As and when required, Cliff Cluster meetings would be held.
g. Library
No comments.
h. Website/IT
Cllr Carless advised that she was continuing to experience problems with loading articles onto the website. It was agreed that Cllr Carless & the Clerk would meet to discuss approaching LCC & Intellitech Ltd for assistance.
Action: The Clerk to arrange a meeting with Cllr Carless.
i. VENUE Trustee Chairman
Following prior circulation of the revised Venue Constitution document, it was proposed by Cllr Burt (Chairman) and seconded by Cllr Carless and therefore Resolved that the new document be accepted.
The Chairman advised that good work continued to be carried out by The Venue Manager, Secretary & Treasurer – all of whom would soon be formally employed. In respect of the requirement for a Venue handyman – it was agreed that the job description would now encompass the needs of the Parish Council. An advert for the vacancy would be published in the next couple of weeks.
j. Community Wellbeing
k. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
Cllr Watts advised on the results of the latest SID surveys. In respect of traffic on Green Man Road (from A607 toward the A15) – 94% of drivers were compliant and 96.32% were compliant for the opposite direction.
l. Defibrillators.
Cllr Gunning advised that there continued to be a problem with the software, which hopefully would be resolved soon by The Circuit IT department.
m. Street Lamps.
The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at
20.15 hrs.
11. Date & Time of next meeting is the 1st March 2022 at 7pm. It should be noted that this will be held in the Club Room of The Venue to adhere with current Covid regulations.