January 2022 Minutes
Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council
Meeting Minutes
Date/ Time: Tuesday 11 January 2022 at 7.00 pm.
Location: The Club Room @ The Venue, Navenby.
Present (Cllrs): Mr M Burt, Chairman, Mr K Gunning, Vice Chairman, Mr S Woollas, Mrs E Carless, Mr Watts, Mr C East, Dr J Mills, Mr G Morris, Mr K Lamyman & Mrs E McRitche.
In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)
1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks
The Chairman welcomed all present.
2. Public Session
There was 1 resident in attendance at the Public Session.
NKDC Open Space @ Headland Way - the resident asked if there was an update in respect of the planting of a new hedge by RIPPON Homes. Cllr Gunning advised that they had been assured that a new hedge would be planted in due course. It was anticipated that this would probably not happen until the latter phase of the development. The Chairman assured the resident that dialogue would continue, and that NPC would monitor the situation.
Green Man Road – the resident advised that there continued to be issues with traffic speeding along the road. The Chairman confirmed that he would be sending a second letter to the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner along with the most up to date data/evidence from NPCs Speed Indicator devices.
Proposal for new Village magazine – the resident asked if it was ok for her to approach the Editor of TUCAN Publishing herself regarding a possible new village magazine? Also was it possible to have an advert placed on the NPC FB page. The Chairman advised that he did not see a problem with the resident contacting TUCAN directly to explore the possibilities. Cllr carless advised the resident she could put an advert on FB herself.
3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.
No apologies received. Cllr Lamyman declared an interest in respect of Item 9f.
4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 11 December 2021.
It was proposed by Cllr Mills and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 11 December 21, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.
5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).
It was proposed by Cllr McRitchie seconded by Cllr Gunning and therefore Resolved that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised.
The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Lamyman would approve the payments on-line.
6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.
Cllr L Hagues – not in attendance at the meeting.
Cllr M Overton - the Clerk confirmed she had received her most recent monthly Newsletter.
Cllr Overton went on to brief in more detail iro the following subjects from her Newsletter:
COP 26 initiatives – reducing carbon emissions
Highways Budget - £12M less funding
Council Tax – proposed increase
7. To consider updates from local police.
The Clerk confirmed that she was not yet in receipt of the latest Police report. Cllr McRitchie advised that there had recently been a police presence outside the school monitoring the traffic situation.
8. To consider Planning Matters
Planning Applications – No comments.
Correspondence – No comments.
Tree Conservation – No comments.
9. To consider correspondence.
Actions arising from the correspondence received:
i. 24 Dec - BBC Radio Lincs Pirate Gold calling. Cllr Woollas confirmed that he had passed on the request from Radio Lincs to the Navenby Wombles.
10. Consideration and approval of candidate for the Parish Councillor vacancy.
After discussion, it was agreed to elect Mr Brendan O’Sullivan.
11. Consideration and approval of a proposal to cease payment of the quarterly NPC donation to The Venue.
After discussion, it was agreed that NPC should be paying its share of the running costs for the Parish Office & Library area. For the remainder of FY 21/22 & FY 22/23, NPC would continue to pay the existing rate but that it would be referred to as “Maintenance & Utilities” charges not rent. For FY 23/24, it was proposed by Cllr Carless and seconded by Cllr Mills and therefore Resolved that NPC would only pay a pro rata amount for running costs. The responsible Finance Officer (RFO) was to liaise with the Venue Manager in respect of calculating & agreeing the revised Maintenance & Utility charges for FY 23/24 onwards.
Action: The RFO to discuss with the Venue Manager the revised pro rata Maintenance & Utility charges for FY 23/24 onwards.
12. Consideration of a proposal to charge the Community HUB Library rent from the 1 April 2022 onwards and to recover rent retrospectively for the period 1 Apr 2019 to 31 Mar 2022.
Cllr Watts advised the LCC contracted out the Community HUB Library service to Greenwich Leisure. The annual Grant received was to pay for rent and a Co-ordinator if required. Also, were Greenwich Leisure to exit the Contract with LCC – then the accumulated funds could be used to continue the Library service.
It was proposed by Cllr Gunning, seconded by Cllr Carless and therefore Resolved that the Community HUB Library pay NPC an annual rent of £500 per annum and that it be backdated to 2019 subject to continuing financial support from LCC/Greenwich Leisure.
13. Selection of one of the FY 22/23 budget options circulated ahead of the meeting, in order to drive the Precept submission for that FY.
Following the pre meeting circulation of the various Options being proposed in respect of the FY 22/23 Precept submission, the Chairman proposed that the Cllrs all vote on their preferred option. Post voting it was proposed by Cllr Burt, seconded by Cllr Mills and therefore Resolved that Option 5(£69,987) would be taken forward by NPC.
14. Updates from Portfolios Holders:
a. Cemetery
Cllr Gunning advised that the site of the largest grave in the Cemetery appeared to be subsiding lightly and asked that the Clerk speak with the next of kin or the Funeral Director regarding remedial action.
Action: The Clerk to speak to the next of kin or Funeral Director regarding the actions required to level the ground in front of the memorial stone.
b. Highways
Cllr Woollas advised on the following:
Zebrite Pedestrian Crossing – LCC Highways had now advised NPC of the costs, process and likely timeline for the purchase and installation. The Clerk advised that she would be sending off the Purchase Order the next day.
East Road – Cllr Woollas reported that the road resurfacing work was planned for Feb 22. Resurfacing of the entire road would finally address the multiple potholes that had remained unfilled for such a long time.
Green Man Road – LCC Highways were on site this week and would be resurfacing the road adjacent to the Twenty Row properties as well as doing some drainage works to alleviate the flooding problems.
Pot Holes – the pot hole on the A607 opposite Lukes Barbers had been filled, but the large pot hole on Church Lane was still awaiting remedial action despite having been reported multiple times.
c. Navenby Car Scheme
Cllr Woollas advised that there were still no volunteers coming forward in respect of the coordinator or driver positions. Without the latter being filled the scheme would have to close at the end of Mar 22. Cllr Woollas also confirmed that they would continue to advertise on FB for the time being.
d. Play Areas
Cllr East confirmed that the proposal to procure & install 25m of additional fencing at North Lane play area at a cost of £2,840 exc Vat, was included in the Budget discussed and agreed at Item No 13.
e. Schools House Trust.
No comments.
f. Cliff Cluster
Cllr Overton was unsure as to whether or not the Cliff Cluster meetings could continue as before and perhaps are only really required when there is a common issue affecting a number of the Cliff villages that requires discussion.
g. Library
No comments.
h. Website/IT
Cllr Carless advised that the NPC FB page was now up and running, with the car Scheme advert being the most recent addition. In respect of the NPC Website, she was continuing to experience problems with loading articles. Whilst she was able to see them, they could not be viewed by the public. The latter continues to be a work in progress with an update at the next meeting.
i. VENUE Trustee Chairman
Venue Constitution 1983 – the Chairman advised that a review of the Constitution continued to be a work in progress, with Cllr Gunning assisting.
Action: The Chairman & Vice Chairman to finalise the initial draft revision of the Constitution document and circulate to other Cllrs before the next meeting.
j. Community Wellbeing
Cllr Mills advised that the proposed Finding Fitness programme of events would be a duplication of the current football holiday training scheme, therefore the decision was taken to not take up the offer.
k. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
Cllr Woollas advised that there had been a substantial increase in the volume of traffic (>80%).
Speeds had reduced, and most drivers remained within the 30MPH limit. The Chairman asked Cllr Woollas to provide him with the updated data in order that he could amend his letter to the Police & Crime Commissioner.
Cllr Woollas advised that he would be in favour of a 3rd SID device being purchased by NPC.
Action: Cllr Woollas to provide the Chairman with the updated SID analysis data.
l. Defibrillators.
Cllr Gunning advised that there continued to be a problem with the software, which hopefully would be resolved soon by The Circuit IT department. In respect of the Budget for FY 22/23, he confirmed that the sum of £250 had been included for replacement Defibrillator pads.
m. Street Lamps.
Cllr Gunning confirmed that the requirement to convert 19 (36 watt) PL lanterns to 19 watt LEDs at a cost £6K exc VAT had been factored into the budget for FY 22/23.
The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 21.00 hrs.
15. Date & Time of next meeting is the 1st February 2022 at 7pm. It should be noted that this will be held in the Club Room of The Venue to adhere with current Covid regulations.