14 May 2019 - Annual Meeting

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council Meeting Minutes


Date/ Time: Tuesday 14th May 2019, 7pm.

Location: The Parish Office, The Venue, Grantham Road, Navenby.

Present (Cllrs): Mr B O’Sullivan, Chairman; Mr K Gunning, Vice Chairman; Mr G Morris; Mr C East; Mr A Watts; Mr K Lamyman; Mrs C Hall

In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Clerk); Mr R Spollins (Venue Manager)

Absent/Apologies: Mr S Woollas,


1. Outgoing Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks

The Outgoing Chairman welcomed everyone (old & new) to the Annual Parish Council meeting and set out the format of the evenings meeting. Cllr Gunning expressed his thanks to both the Parish Clerk & Assistant Clerk for their support during his Chairmanship. Cllr Watts on behalf of the Council thanked the Chairman for his tenure.


2. Election of Chairman.

The Clerk advised that only 1 nomination has been received for the position of Chairman – namely Cllr O’Sullivan. It was unanimously agreed that Cllr O’Sullivan be elected as Chairman.


3. Election of Vice Chairman.

Cllr Gunning proposed that he be considered for the Vice Chairman position and this was seconded by Cllr Watts.


4. To receive Declarations of Acceptance of Office & other Posts & members Disclosable Pecuniary & Other Interests of All Parish Councillors.

The Clerk confirmed that she was in receipt of an Acceptance of Office for each elected Parish Councillor.


5. Public Session

Present at the Public Session was Mr R Spollins (Venue Manager).

Item 15 ACTS Trust – This item was brought forward to be discussed within the Public Session – so as to allow the participation of The Venue Manager. The Chairman read out details of the revised proposal from The ACTS Trust in respect of the running of the Energize Youth Club. As well as the reduction in the number of weeks the Club would be run, there would also need to be an increase in costs. After consideration & discussion it was agreed that the existing arrangement now well established would remain in place as it best met the existing needs of the children in Navenby. Funding also remained set for the current FY and would not be due for review until Sep/Oct 19.

Action : The Clerk was to write to ACTS and formally advise of the Councils decision to remain “as is”. Further clarification was also to be sought regarding a breakdown of the Postcodes given in the report. Clerk also to highlight the need for ACTS personnel to liaise with the Army Cadet Force.


6. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

The Clerk confirmed that apologies for absence in respect of Mr S Woollas, had been received. There were no declarations of Interest.


7. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 2nd April 2019.

It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr East and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 2nd April 2019, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.


8. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).

Discussion took place regarding the transactions listing presented for the month of April 2019. EDGE Reconciliation up to 30 April 19 – the Clerk advised this was pending the receipt of the latest paper Bank Statement and read out the balance of each account as at 30 April 19. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning, seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved, that all expenses listed in appendix A should be authorised to be paid.


9. To consider the Clerk’s report.

Please see Appendix B.

The Chairman read out the key points from the Clerks Report. There were the following actions arising from the items detailed on the Appendix B:

Ser No 2 – Grants Policy. The Clerk took an action to re-send the original email from LALC to all Cllrs.

Ser No 5 – Visit by BMFA. Following a visit on the 9th May 19, the Deputy Chairman gave a brief summary of the inspection of the playing field and advised that a formal report would be received in due course. The Clerk took an action to advise when received.

Ser No 6 – North Lane Play Area. Cllr East took an action to advise when the x 2 replacement swing seats had been replaced.

Ser No 13 – Overhanging Tree in Cemetery. The Clerk advised that a quote for the work had been received. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning & seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved to proceed with remedial works ASAP at a cost of £85.00. Cllr Morris advised that this should not proceed until NPC were in receipt of the Safe Systems of Work paperwork. The Clerk took an action to obtain the latter. Cllr Gunning also asked that the Clerk e mail the Navenby resident who had shown concern about the tree in the vicinity of a family grave.

Ser No 18 – Speed Indicator Device. The Clerk briefed the meeting regarding the Thorpe on the Hill (TOTH) Parish Council Community Speed Watch. NPC asked that the Clerk send thanks to TOTH Parish Clerk for her assistance. The Clerk also took an action to speak to Cllr Overton regarding the progress being made by Bracebridge Heath in respect of the Cliff Cluster SID purchase.

Ser No 22 – Governance of Allotments. The Clerk advised on a e mail received from NKDC where it adsvised that the governance of Allotments was a PC responsibility. Cllr Gunning advised that this was not the case and asked that the Clerk contact NKDC and advise that the Allotments were on NKDC land and that they also invoiced them directly.

Highways Report

Greenman Road Grass Verge – Cllr Watts highlighted that the grass verge was extremely unsightly. As there was uncertainty over responsibilities and whether it was Highways or Linden Homes - he asked that the Clerk bring it to the attention of Highways.

A607 Junc with Winton Road – Cllr Watts advised that there was a damaged man hole cover in the middle of the road. The Clerk took an action to report to Highways.


10. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

Updates were given by Cllr Overton on the following subjects District Election – No overall control by one party. 19 new members for the District who were all buzzing with enthusiasm. Cllr Overton was keen to see openness & transparency across the parties. She thanked NPC for their support and asked that the Clerk send out a Calling Notice & Agenda to Cllr Lucille Hagues for the next NPC meeting.


11. To consider updates from local police.

Report received for the period 7th April 2019 to 7th May 2019 advised that there had been no recorded crimes.


12. To consider planning Applications

Please see Appendix C:

The Chairmen read out details of the correspondence and new Planning Applications received. After discussion, there were no objections or actions arising.


13. To consider correspondence.

Please see Appendix D:

The matters arising (Actions) from the Correspondence were:

Ser No 4 – Open Space by Chapel Lane Hedges. The Clerk took an action to email NKDC regarding the hedges and ascertain which were to be cut and how often.

Ser No 6 – Letter from B/Graffoe Resident. The Chairman read out the letter regarding the condition of the grounds at the Open Space by Chapel Lane, as well as the response from NKDC. It was agreed that the Clerk would e mail NKDC and request that the 1M border be maintained around the grounds to prevent short-cuts. Clerk also to respond to B/Graffoe resident acknowledging letter and that the Open Space belonged to NKDC and that NPC would comply accordingly.


14. To consider & Approve the Co-Option of Councillors.

The Chairman advised that 2 letters had been received. The first was from Mr M Burt (ex NPC Cllr) and the second was from Mrs J Burt. He read out both letters to those present. It was agreed that both candidates met the criteria for a Parish Councillor. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Morris and therefore Resolved that Mr M Burt be coopted as a Navenby Parish Councillor. Also, it was proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Gunning and therefore Resolved that Mrs J Burt be co-opted as a Navenby Parish Councillor. The Clerk took an action to inform both candidates of their successful election and to provide them with all relevant paperwork prior to attendance at the next meeting.


15. To consider the ACTS Trust revised proposal for the provision of the Energize Youth Club (Autumn Report (Quarter 2)).

Discussed and detailed at Agenda Item No 5.


16. To consider & approve the purchase of a second Noticeboard for the North of the High Street.

After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Gunning & seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved that a 2nd Noticeboard be purchased from the Pelican Trust and located within the Bus Shelter by Lukes Barbers.


17. To discuss the replacement of a Street Light on Crossfield Road.

Cllr Gunning explained EON had advised NPC that they were unable to switchover to the new column as yet due to Western Power Distribution (WPD) wanting paid to replace the non standard cable. As the cable was not faulty, any infrastructure changes were seen as additional work. EON advised NPC to hold off paying any additional costs until the outcome of a similar issue at Boutham in Lincoln was known.


18. To review and approve the Calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.

Discussion took place regarding the existing arrangement of holding Parish Council meetings on the 1st Tuesday of every month and whether or not to take a break in either August or September. It was agreed that because of the need to approve payments a break in the holiday season would not be possible. It was proposed by Cllr East & seconded by Cllr Hall and therefore Resolved that the current meeting arrangements would continue to be extant. The Clerk took an action to draw up the schedule for 2019/20 & place on both Noticeboards, as well as the Website.


19. To consider the purchase of IT equipment to replace NKDC assets that are being withdrawn end of June 2019.

Discussion took place regarding the requirement to become independent from NKDC for IT support. The Clerk advised that NKDC would be withdrawing support from 30 Jun 19 and there was now an urgent need to seek quotes for replacement equipment and a support package. Cllr Hall took an action to contact an IT Company and update the Clerk.


20. To Assign Members to the following Portfolios & take comments:

a. Cemetery

Cllrs Gunning, East & Morris assigned to Portfolio.

b. Highways

Cllrs Woollas & Lamyman assigned to Portfolio.

c. Youth Club

Cllrs O’Sullivan & Hall assigned to Portfolio.

d. Navenby Car Scheme

Cllr Hall assigned to Portfolio. NB Cllr Woollas to confirm if he wishes to continue at next meeting.

e. Play Areas

Cllrs Lamyman & East assigned to Portfolios.

North Lane Play Area – x 2 replacement swing seats WIP.

f. Schools House Trust.

Cllr Lamyman assigned to Portfolio.

g. Cliff Cluster

Cllr O’Sullivan assigned to Portfolio.

h. Library

Cllr Watts assigned to Portfolio.

Cllr Watts advised that Grant funding had allocated for the sum of £2170 for new path way lights leading from Doncaster gardens to the


i. Finance & Administration

Cllr Burt assigned to Portfolio – NB Proposal only at this point. Will need to be confirmed at next meeting.

j. Website

Cllr Morris assigned.

Cllr Morris advised that the updating of the Site was well underway and that work would commence in respect of loading on Policies & Budgets etc.

k. Venue Trustee Chairman

Cllr M Burt assigned to Portfolio - NB 1. Proposal only at this point.

Will await formal consideration and acceptance by Cllr Burt. The Chairman to discuss post meeting. 2. The Chairman took an action to draw up a letter of thanks to Mr S McDonald for his tenure as Venue Chairman & Cllr.

l. Defibrillator

Cllrs Gunning & O’Sullivan assigned to Portfolio.

m. Street Lights

Cllrs Gunning & Watts assigned to Portfolio.

n. Planning

Cllrs Woollas & East assigned to Portfolio.


The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 22.15pm.


Date & Time of next meeting to be the 4th June 2019 @ 7pm.

NB the Clerk took an action to send out an updated NPC Contacts List to all members.