5 February 2019

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Date/ Time: Tuesday 5th February 2019, 7pm.

Location: The Parish Office, The Venue, Grantham Road, Navenby.

Present(Cllrs): Mr K Gunning, Chairman; Mr S Woollas; Mr G Morris; Mr A Watts; Mr S McDonald; Mr M Burt; Mr C East; Ms S Letham (Clerk).

In Attendance: 1 Members of the Public

Absent/Apologies: Mr B O’Sullivan, Vice Chair


1. Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a short brief in respect of the format of the meeting and explained in more detail the Open & Closed sessions. The first part of the meeting is an Open session and is the only point in which the Public can speak. The second part of the meeting is a Closed session for which the Public are welcome to remain, however, they may only speak at the discretion of the Chairman. The third part (if required for sensitive matters) is again Closed but does not include any members of the Public. The Chairman also advised that members of the Public when attending the meetings can have a copy of the Agenda (no charge). However, where copies of documentation are required by residents, they must be ordered in advance and will be supplied at a cost of 10p per sheet. Councillors are all volunteers and doing their best for the Community they serve. Anyone wanting to join the Team would be very welcome and with the up and coming Elections this would be an ideal opportunity.


2. Public Session

Present at the session was 1 resident. The Chairman welcomed the resident and invited them to speak. Whilst out in the Village the resident had noted the installation of the Archer Speed Survey device outside the Methodist Chapel and queried who had determined the locations and advised that she thought the devices would not be effective in deterring speeding motorists. The Chairman explained that at the last meeting the Council had determined all 4 of the locations for speed to be monitored and passed the information onto LRSP. The devices would remain in place for a week and thereafter the data would be analysed and NPC informed as to the results. Whilst the devices themselves will not stop motorists speeding, they will inform NPC iro the best place to site the Speed Indicator Devices they are proposing to buy.


3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

Mr B O’Sullivan.


4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 8th January 2019.

It was proposed by Cllr Burt and seconded by Cllr Woollas and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 8th January 2019, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.


5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).

Discussion took place regarding the transactions listing presented for the month of January 2019. Edge Reconciliation up to 31 January 19 – the Clerk advised this was pending the receipt of the latest paper Bank Statement and read out the balance of each account as at 28 January 19. It was proposed by Cllr Watts, seconded by Cllr Burt and therefore Resolved, that all expenses listed in appendix A should be authorised to be paid.

Action: Clerk to arrange payment off all approved expenditure.


6. To consider the Clerk’s report.

Please see Appendix B.

The Chairman read out the key points from the Clerks Report. There were the following actions arising from the items detailed on the Appendix A:

Ser No 5 – Clerk to add Pay Scale Review to the Mar 19 Agenda.

Ser No 11 – Clerk to determine what constitutes & hail & Ride Bus Service with LCC Transport officer.

Ser No 13 – Clerk to write to LCC regarding pathways around the School and @ the Smoots.

Ser No 14 – Clerk to download example Election Posters from LALC Site and forward to Cllr Woollas.

Highways Report

Maidenwell Close Street Light – Clerk to (1) write to residents enquiring about ownership of land and if anyone is cutting the grass. And (2) check the Grass Cutting Contract.

Potholes outside the CO-OP (in the parking bays) and in the Bus Stop area by the Methodist Chapel – Clerk to report all on Fix My Street.


7. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

Updates were given on the following subjects:

Cliff Cluster Meeting (SID) – Cllr Overton acknowledged that a Parish Councillor needed to be present when LRSP were carrying out the SID location survey. There was also discussion regarding the £40 fee payable to LRSP for Surveys and whether Villages could club together? Cllr Watts mentioned the recent restrictions as advised by LRSP iro what SID could be purchased.

Community Lighting – Cllr Overton advised that only installation of LED lighting actually made significant cost savings.

Pot Holes Response Times – Cllr Overton advised she was not happy with extended response times for rural locations & LINK roads. NPC advised that recently reported pot holes on the High Street had been repaired in record time. However, unfortunately the standard was such that they would most likely be reported again in a few months! Cllr Overton took the Job No and advised that she would look into the matter.

Budgets (General) – the District Council was now in a better position.

Election ID Initiative – Cllr Overton reported that her enquiry regarding how the Council would deem the ID scheme to have been successful had been dismissed. The NPC Chairman asked that Cllr Overton write a letter to the MP requesting that they seek a formal response to the question.

Damage to road surface on Navenby High Street – Cllr Woollas advised Cllr Overton that heavy vehicles were churning up the road surface at the junction with Church Lane. Cllr Overton took an action to report this significant damage to the Highways Department.

Willingham by Stowe – Cllr Overton advised that the placement of Animal rendering debris from Skellingthorpe was occurring.

Increase in the cost of Electricity – Cllr Woollas asked that Cllr Overton discuss with other PCs whether they had been subject to a 23% increase and was there a potential to link up with NKDC, LCC, LALC and take a case to OFGEM, the Electricty supply ombudsman. Cllr Overton took an action to consult with other PCs.


1. Cllr Overton to write to the MP regarding the ID Trial and ascertain how an Election in the “Proof of Identification Trial” will be deemed successful, and if not will the Election be re-run.

2. Cllr Overton to speak to other PCs about electricity costs & the possibility of linking up with others to present a case to OFGEM.

3. Cllr Overton to report the road damage on the High Street Junction with Church Lane, caused by heavy vehicles.

4. Cllr Overton to look into the standard of pot hole repairs on Navenby High Street.


8. To consider updates from local police.

Report received for the period 9th January 2019 to 5th February 2019 advised that there had been no recorded crime.


9. To consider planning Applications

Please see Appendix C:

The Chairmen read out details of the correspondence and new Planning Applications received. After discussion, there were no objections or actions arising.


10. To consider correspondence.

Please see Appendix D:

The matters arising (Actions) from the Correspondence were:

Ser No 25 – Request to site SCOPE Clothing Bank. Clerk to forward details to SCOPE of previous locations used within the village.

Ser No 29 – Request from resident to amend 4th Dec 18 Minutes. Clerk to formally reply to resident explaining the format of the monthly meeting and that the Councillors after discussion had agreed that no amendment was necessary.


11. To consider, discus & approve a request for donation of funds from the Waddington Guiding Joint Camps.

After consideration, and with no formal GRANT funding policy in place - NPC agreed that on this occasion they were unable to approve a donation of funds. The Clerk took actions to formally advise the Waddington Guiding Joint Camps of the decision and give details of the Navenby Towns Farm Trust point of contact. Also, the Clerk was to forward a copy of the donation request letter to the Venue Trustees for their consideration, and contact LALC with regard to obtaining a Model Template for a Grant funding Policy.


1. Clerk to formally respond to letter & give a POC for Navenby Towns Farm Trust.

2. Clerk to forward a copy of the letter to the Venue Trustees.

3. Clerk to contact LALC reference Grant funding policy.


12. To consider the outcome of the Lincoln Transport Strategy Workshop.

Following his attendance at the Workshop, Cllr Morris gave a brief on the key issues. Namely, efficient Public Transport with reduced congestion and accessibility for all via multi choice transport hubs. Some of the ideas suggested were development of Park & Ride schemes, safe corridors oftransport, improvements to cycle lanes & the re-introduction of trams/trains to link communities inside & outside Lincoln. Travel needed to be more cost effective to encourage use & community facilities in villages needed to be developed etc. Cllr Morris encouraged all present to take part in the Lincoln Transport Strategy Survey that was available on-line.


13. To consider & approve the purchase & siting of new Village Parish Noticeboards.

Following on from the previous month and the decision to replace the Noticeboard outside the CO-OP, NPC discussed the requirement for the same but to the North of the Village. Cllr Woollas proposed that a new Parish Noticeboard be placed in the Bus Shelter on the West side of the High Street. After consideration, the majority view was that the East side of the High Street in the stonework niche of 19 High Street was chosen as it was felt the footfall was greater than the other side of the road. The Clerk took an action to write to the owner of the property and ascertain if they were happy for the Noticeboard to be erected on the outside wall.


1. Clerk to write to the owner of 19 High Street regarding proposed new Parish Noticeboard.


14. To consider, discuss & approve the purchase of 2 new replacement Litter Bins & the re-siting of an existing Litter Bin.

Discussion took place regarding the need for a replacement litter bin at Doncaster Gardens adjacent to the Venue playing field. Cllr Woollas advised that a litter bin (Guppy style) on the High Street be relocated to Doncaster Gardens to replace the damaged one and that 2 new Brunel style litter bins be purchased for the High Street conservation area. It was proposed by Cllr East and seconded by Cllr Lamyman and therefore Resolved that 2 new Brunel litter bins (along with associated instalment works) be purchased at a cost not to exceed £1300 ex VAT. The Clerk took an action (in conjunction with Cllr Woollas) to order the bins.


1. Clerk to order 2 new Brunel style litter bins.


15. To consider progress with the Speed Indicator Device.

The Chairman asked that Cllr Watts give an update on his findings regarding the alternative Unipart SID v’s the Elancity. Cllr Watts gave a short presentation on the specifications for both models and concluded that the Elancity (which was only marginally bigger) still remained the best device and that NPC should still pursue purchasing it. The Clerk took an action to hasten LRSP once more regarding an explanation of how Highways was involved in the recent location Survey and whether they would accept NPC having the Elancity model as Gosberton PC had set a precedent.


1. Clerk to write to LRSP requesting clarification of survey process and for approval to still purchase Elancity SID.


16. To review the Navenby Parish Standing orders & Financial Regulations.

The Chairman asked all present to confirm that they had received by e mail a copy of the Standing Orders & the Financial Regulations for their consideration & comment. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr East and therefore Resolved that the documents would be accepted for an interim period whilst Cllr Burt & the Clerk looked to contact LALC & obtain the latest Model documents.


1. Clerk to contact LALC for the latest template version of Standing Orders & Financial Regulations.


17. Update from Portfolio Holders:

a. Cemetery

Nothing to report.

b. Highways

Nothing to report.

c. Youth Club

Energize Report – Cllr Woollas had undertaken a review of the postcodes of those attending the Youth Club and ascertained that 11 children came from the village, and 3 from the surrounding area.

d. Navenby Car Scheme

Nothing to report.

e. Play Areas

Cllr East briefed that 2 of the junior swing seats in the North Lane Playing field required replacement. Due to safety concerns one seat had already been removed. A quote for replacement amounted to a cost of £75. It was proposed by Cllr East and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved that 2 new junior swing seats be purchased. In respect of the remedial repairs required for the Slide, it was proposed by Cllr East & being carried out at a cost £100 and that they be completed prior to the August 2019 Inspection. The Clerk took an action to arrange for the replacement parts to be ordered.


1. Clerk to arrange for replacement parts to be ordered.

f. Schools House Trust.

Nothing to report.

g. Cliff Cluster

Cllr Watts gave a brief summary of the Cliff Cluster meeting held on the 22 January 2019. Unfortunately, Cllr Overton was not present to chair the meeting and with a very minimal attendance by other Parish Councils it was decided to cancel the meeting. The general feeling of those in attendance was that without Cllr Overton or any representative from NKDC – there was little point in holding the Cliff Cluster meetings. Cllr Watts advised that he had made those present at the meeting aware of the e mail from LRSP regarding the unsuitability of the Elancity Speed Indicator Device and that they were promoting the use of the Unipart Dorman model as an alternative.

h. Library

Cllr Watts advised that the Library revenue Grant (£5,167) for 2019/20 had been approved and would be in the Bank within the next 5-7 days. The Clerk took an action to advise Cllr Watts when the funds had been received. Also, LCC had approved the expenditure of the Capital Grant to provide low level lighting along the Library footpath. Cllr Watts would be approaching The Venue Manager in respect of obtaining 2 quotes for this work.


1. Clerk to advise Cllr Watts when Revenue funding was receipted into the Bank.

2. Cllr Watts to contact The Venue Manager regarding obtaining 2 quotes.


The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 21.10pm.


Date & Time of next meeting to be the 5th March 2019 @ 7pm.