Minutes of Meeting 9th July 2024


Date/Time:     Tuesday 9th July 2024 at 7.00pm

Location :     The Parish Office @ the Venue, Navenby

Present (Cllrs):        Mr T Everett (Chairman); Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman);  Mr A Watts;
            Mr K Lamyman; Mrs H McFaul; Mr M Burt; Mr C East; Mrs R Watson
In Attendance:        Mrs C Hall (Asst Parish Clerk)
Absent/Apologies:    Mrs E Carless, Mr I Standen

1.    Chairman's Welcoming Remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, adding although it was only 3 weeks since 
the last council meeting, there would not be another until September.  He thanked the Asst 
Parish Clerk for covering the Parish Clerk's absence.  There was a very well attended meeting on 
Monday evening (8th July) at the Venue to discuss the proposed Springwell Solar Farm and the 
Chairman will distribute notes from the evening. 
2.    Public Session
There were no residents in attendance
3.    Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the 
requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in 
relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.
Absences - Mr I Standen, Mr E Carless
Declaration of Interest - None
4.    To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on 
Tuesday 18th June 2024.
It was proposed by Cllr East and seconded by Cllr Watson and therefore RESOLVED that the 
minutes from the previous Council Meeting held on 7th June 2024, should be accepted as a true 
record of the meeting.  All councillors voted in favour of the motion.
5.    To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A)
It was proposed by Cllr Gunning  and second by Cllr Carless  and therefore RESOLVED
that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised.  Cllr Lamyman to approve the payments 
on the Bank.  All Cllrs voted in favour of the motion
6.    To consider updates from District/County Councillors
Cllr Hagues - not in attendance.  Newsletter supplied prior to meeting
Cllr Overton - not in attendance.  Newsletter supplied prior to meeting

7.    To consider updates from local police
No report from the Police to discuss

8.    To consider Planning Matters

a.    No Planning Applications
b.    Correspondence - none

c.    Tree Conservation - none

9.    To consider correspondence - none

10.    Review of the Parish field Tenancy Agreement
Following discussion, it was agreed by the Council that the recommendations made by Brown & 
co, should be accepted.
It was Proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Watson and all Cllrs voted in favour of the 
motion to reduce the lease term to a 2 years.
11.     Update from Portfolio Holders:

Following a meeting of councillors in the cemetery, it was decided that cemetery required more 
hours maintenance than the current spent there, for example the path edging needs to be tidied 
and clear path shown.   The Parish Clerk has requested a quotation from a local contractor, this 
has yet to be received.  Asst PC to chase.  It was agreed that the graves which are sinking should 
be re-filled.
SID report had been distributed by Cllr Burt, albeit for Green Man Road only at present.  The 
information from the units on the A607 to follow.

Cllr Watson reported that she had been touch with the administrator of the scheme and 
following a meeting between administrator and other volunteers, it was agreed to continue with 
the scheme. There had been 3 trips covered recently.
The previous quote by CPM Joinery to remove the slide cabin at Twenty Row, is now set aside as 
the gentleman concerned is unwell.  K Thompson (Venue Manager) has found another able to 
do the same job and we are waiting for his available day for carrying out the work.  With the 
exception of the Witches Hat at North Lane, all remedial work due to be carried out by Newby 
Leisure following the RoSPA report has been completed.
Nothing to report
Cllr Watts advised that he applied for Co-op funding and his application had been successful.  
The intention is to purchase some new Kinder Boxes for the Library.
The Council website is now maintained by Pete Langford of  Webmaster, who maintains almost 
every Parish Council's website in Lincolnshire.  All we have to do now is to send any item we 
wish to go on our site, whether text or photos, and he will arrange it.
A copy of the  proposed new 'Venue' sign quote was requested by all councillors. CH to e mail.
It was agreed that following on from previous discussions, the Chairman would book the 
firework display for 9th November.
Cllr Gunning updated the Council on the current repair work being carried out on the Venue 
following the car accident.  Almost all damaged brickwork now completely replaced, and there 
was no damage to the steel frame.
Cllr McFaul reported that the Youth Club is full, so some of the older children had been moved 
into the Youth Caf  as there were fewer children using that.  There is a laser show next week. 
5 picnic benches to be purchased for used on the field at the rear of the Venue.  This is funded 
from the Community Wellbeing Budget and will be placed during the next 7 days.
Purchase Proposed by  Cllr Burt and seconded by Cllr Watson.  All councillors voted in favour of 
the purchase.
The bench in the green which had been very badly stained by bird droppings, has been cleaned 
by Cllr East & Cllr Watson, and has also now been jet washed.
j.    SPEED INDICATOR DEVICE (SID) - already covered under 11b

k.    DEFIBRILLATORS  - nothing new to report, new pads already fitted

l.    STREET LAMPS - nothing to report

The chairman thanked all Councillors for attending and their participation and the meeting was 
closed at  8pm.
12.    Date of next meeting : 3rd September 2024 at 7.00pm

Minutes Accepted :Chairman: Original Signed M J BURT Date: 3 September 2024

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