February 2024 Minutes

Date/ Time: Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 7.00 pm. 

Location:  The Parish Office @ The Venue, Navenby.

Present (Cllrs):    Mr M Burt (Chairman); Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman); Mrs H McFaul; Mr C East; Mrs E Carless; Mrs R Watson; Mr K Lamyman; Mr A Watts & Mr I Standen.

In Attendance:    Mrs C Hall (Asst Clerk)

Absent/Apologies:    Mr T Everett.   

1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

2. Public Session

No residents present.

3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

Absences - Mr T Everett.
Declaration of Interests – None.

4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 9th January 2024.

It was proposed by Cllr East  and seconded by Cllr McFaul  and therefore RESOLVED that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting held on 9th January 24, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.  NB All Cllrs voted in favour of the motion.

5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).

It was proposed by Cllr Watts and seconded by Cllr Carless and therefore RESOLVED that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised.   NB  All Cllrs voted in favour of the motion.   

6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

Cllr Hagues – not in attendance.

Cllr Overton – not in attendance.  Written report received too late to distribute prior to the meeting. 

7. To consider updates from local police.

The Venue Manager advised that she had reported a drug dealing incident in the Venue Car Park a couple of weeks ago and that they Police had visited to take a look at the CCTV.

8. To consider Planning Matters

a. Planning Applications – None.

b. Correspondence – Cllr Gunning advised that now that the RIPPON Homes development was finished could the Clerk contact the builder and find out who was responsible for the grassed area to the right as you drive in from High Dyke and where were the promised replacement hedges.

Action:  The Clerk to contact RIPPON Homes to enquire about the outstanding landscaping works for the new development. 

c. Tree Conservation – 24/0136/TCA Farm Storage Site, felling of cherry & sycamore trees.  Cllr East reported that not all the information had been sent to NPC by NKDC Tree Office. Following receipt of the additional information he had submitted his own personal objection to NKDC regarding the proposal to fell the trees.  The Council then considered the application collectively and voted as follows – 4 in favour, 3 objected and I abstained.  The Chairman used his casting vote and it was agreed that the Council would offer no objection.

9. To consider correspondence.

LCC Highways resurfacing of Tenter Lane – Cllr Gunning asked that the Clerk contact Highways to ascertain why the High Street would be closed to traffic for so long.

Action:  The Clerk to contact Highways and ask them to clarify the need to close the road for so long a period of time.  

10.  Wellingore & Navenby Royal British Legion (RBL).  Update from Cllr Everett on proposal to establish closer links. 

The Chairman read out a brief from Cllr Everett advising that he was in contact with the RBLs Welfare Officer and would be meeting him shortly to discuss establishing closer ties with the Parish Council.

11.  Updates from Portfolios Holders:

a. Cemetery

Consideration and approval of a quotation for the sum of £3895 (VAT INC) iro PROPOSED woodwork repairs to the Lych Gate – after discussion, it was proposed by Cllr East and seconded by Cllr Carless and therefore RESOLVED that the quote be accepted.  All Cllrs in favour of the motion.  The Council requested that the Clerk ensure the Supplier specifies what guarantee comes with the work.

b. Highways

Community Speed Watch (CSW) – the Chairman advised that he and Cllr Watts had been invited to attend a TEAMS meeting with Marc Jones (LCC PCC) on the 20th Feb 24.  It was his intention to raise the subject of excessive speeding on Green Man & High Dyke Roads at that forum. 

c.  Navenby Car Scheme

Nothing to report. 

d.  Play Areas

Cllr Lamyman advised that he and the Asst Clerk had met with Mr Newby from Newby Leisure to discuss the 2023 ROSPA outstanding repairs for North Lane & Twenty Row play areas.  Mr Newby took an action to provide NPC with a quote for all the items requiring replacement or repair.  The quote was to be broken down to show individual items. Mr Newby also confirmed that he had forwarded NPC a contact LINK iro a company who sold graffiti remover. 

Action:  Newby Leisure to provide a quote to NPC for the repair & replacement of items as detailed on the 2023 ROSPA report.

e.  Schools House Trust (SHT).

Nothing to report.

f.  Library

Nothing to report.

Cllr Carless advised that she was waiting for an on-site meeting with James Bell to discuss amending the Website.                                                                                           

h. VENUE Trustee Chairman

Update to be provided by Chairman at follow on Trustee meeting.

i. Community Wellbeing inc Youth Club

Youth Club – Cllr McFaul advised the Youth Club would restart after the half term school break.

Youth Café – Cllr McFaul advised that District Councillor Overton had visited the Youth Café on the 2 Feb 24.

Community Meal – over 70 tickets sold.   

j. Speed Indicator Device (SID).

Cllr Watts advised that there had been excessive speeding on the High Dyke and that it would be brought up as an issue at the Lincs PCC meeting on the 20th Feb 24.   

k. Defibrillators.

Nothing to report.

l. Street Lamps.

Cllr Gunning advised that EON are now the new energy supplier. 

The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 19.45 hrs.

12. Date & Time of next meeting is the 5th March 2024 at 7.00pm.

Minutes Accepted: Original Signed M J Burt      Chairman   Date: 5 March 2024 
