May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Date/ Time: Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 7.00 pm. 

Location:  Parish Office, Navenby.

Present (Cllrs):    Mr T Everett (Chairman); Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman); Mr M Burt; Mrs E Carless; Mr A Watts; Mr K Lamyman; Mr C East & Mrs H McFaul. 

In Attendance:    Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)
Absent/Apologies:    Mr I Standen & Mrs R Watson

The Chairman welcomed all present. 

1. Election of Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr Burt and seconded by Cllr Gunning and therefore RESOLVED that Cllr Everett be elected as Chairman.  All in favour.

2. Election of Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr Carless and seconded by Cllr East and therefore RESOLVED that Cllr Gunning be elected to the position of Vice Chairman.  All in favour.

3. To receive Declarations of Acceptance of Office & update Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and other interests.  

The Clerk accepted completed “Acceptance of Office” & “Pecuniary Interests” forms from all Parish Councillors that were in attendance.  In respect of Cllrs Standen & Watson, the Clerk advised she was already in possession of their paperwork.

4. Apologies for Absence.

The Clerk advised that she had received apologies from Cllrs Standen & Watson.

5. To approve and accept the Insurance Policy and resolve to pay the premium at the Parish Council meeting following the Annual Meeting.

The Clerk advised that this matter was to be approved under Item 10 of the Monthly Meeting Agenda scheduled to follow the AGM.

6.  To Elect Members to hold the following Portfolios:

a. Cemetery
Cllrs Gunning & East elected. 
b. Highways
Cllrs  Burt elected. 
c. Navenby Car Scheme
Cllr Watson.
d. Play Areas
Cllrs Lamyman, East and McFaul elected.
e. Schools House Trust.
Cllr Lamyman elected.
f. Library
Cllr Watts elected.
g. WEBSITE/IT                                                                                                        
Cllr Carless elected.
h. VENUE Trustee Chairman
Cllr Everett elected.
i. Community Wellbeing inc Youth Club
Cllrs McFaul & Carless elected.  
j. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
Cllr Burt elected.
k. Defibrillators.
Cllrs Gunning elected
l. Street Lamps.
Cllrs Burt & Gunning elected.
m.  Planning
Cllr Carless & Standen elected.
n. Biodiversity Improvement Activities.
Cllrs Everett & McFaul elected.

7. Closure of Meeting.

The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 19.20 hrs.

Minutes Accepted: Original Signed T Everett   Chairman   Date:   18th June 2024