12 January 2021

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council

Meeting Minutes

Date/ Time: Tuesday 12 January 2021 at 7.00 pm.

Location: via Video Link (Zoom).

Present (Cllrs): Mr B O’Sullivan, Chairman; Mr K Gunning, Vice Chairman; Mr G Morris; Mr A Watts; Mrs C Hall; Cllr K Lamyman; Cllr M Burt; Mr S Woollas; Mrs E McRitchie & Mr C East.

In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)

Absent/Apologies: Cllr L Taylor


1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all present to the Zoom Video Link and thanked them for their continuing efforts. Thanks’ were also extended to the Navenby Business Group & residents who had helped to organise the Christmas decorations on the High Street. The Chairman advised that he would look to put a notice in the GRAFFOE LINK thanking them for their contributions.


2. Public Session

A special welcome to the Revd Michelle & PC Matt Roberts.

The Revd Michelle thanked the Council for the opportunity to update them regarding the Graffoe Care List initiative. She advised that the Care List was back up and running from the 11 Jan 21, albeit with less volunteers. Uptake of the service was reduced and mainly due to the increase in online shopping etc. All worship was suspended. The roof fund raising for Navenby Church had stopped once again, but there continued to be efforts in respect of sourcing a suitable alternative for the lead work that was acceptable with the building Grade 2 listing. Cllr Overton expressed her thanks to the Revd Michelle and her volunteers for all their hard work over the last 10 months.


3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

Apologies received from Cllr L Taylor.


4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 12 December 2020.

It was proposed by Cllr Hall and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 12 December 2020, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.


5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).

Discussion took place regarding the transactions listing presented for the month of December 2020. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning, seconded by Cllr Burt and therefore Resolved that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised.


6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

Cllr Hagues was in attendance and confirmed with the Clerk that she was in receipt of the Newsletter she had sent to the Parish Office on the 4 Jan 21. Topics covered within the Newsletter included completion of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass, County Lines & the BE SCAM AWARE initiative.

Cllr Overton was in attendance and confirmed with the Clerk that she was in receipt of the Newsletter she had send the Parish Office on the 9 Jan 21. Topics covered within the Newsletter included COVID 19, Grants for local business, Council Funding & Elections.

FY 21/22 Precept submission – Cllr Gunning advised Cllr Overton that NKDCs calculations for this year’s Precept tax base did not appear to take into account the new houses that had been built & occupied in the last year on the Top Farm Estate. If residents were being charged the

Precept – who would receive this funding until such times as it was brought into the tax base for NPC to claim against? After discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Overton would contact NKDC and check that they had included all new houses and let NPC know the outcome prior to the 29 Jan 21.

Action: Cllr Overton to contact NKDC regarding the tax base calculation for the FY 21/22 Precept submission.

Headland Way development road closure issues – Cllr Morris appraised Cllr Overton of the ongoing issues with the now permanent closure of the road. Of particular concern was the possible access issues for emergency vehicles and the bad weather causing problems on Winton Road for all of Headland Way in and out traffic. Cllr Morris advised that RIPPON have gone back on their word, having previously promised back in Feb 20 that the road would be open in the evenings and at weekends. Cllr Overton advised that she would contact the Planning Enforcement Officer and see if she could organise a visit to the Site.

Action: Cllr Overton to contact the Planning Enforcement Officer regarding the Headland Way road closure and arrange a visit to site.

Highways review meeting – Cllr Overton advised she was to meet LCC Highways to discuss concerns within her area within the next few days and would provide an update to NPC in due course.

Action: Cllr Overton to advise NPC of the outcome of her meeting with Highways in respect of Navenby Projects.


7. To consider updates from local police.

The Chairman thanked PC Matt Roberts for taking the time out to attend the meeting. Cllr Gunning asked PC Roberts to advise on what crime was taking place in Navenby as it was proving difficult to determine that from the limited information on the monthly reports. PC Roberts advised that crime within in the village was low and the only recent issue had been that of drugs. However, he was happy to investigate further and provide an individual report. Cllr Gunning expressed concern about the time it takes to report crime. PC Roberts advised that if the crime is in progress – then you must ring 999. Hare coursing is to be reported via 101, unless firearms are involved and then it should be 999. COVID 19 and neighbourly disputes continue to take up a lot of manpower. Unfortunately, due to manning constraints they were unable to patrol rural areas and could only respond to reports of rural crime.

Action: PC Roberts to provide NPC with a separate report detailing crime happening within Navenby village.


8. To consider Planning Matters

Planning Applications, Correspondence & Tree Conservation - there were no observations.


9. To consider correspondence.

Actions arising from the Correspondence received:

a. Planning permission for the proposed Flagpole @ The Venue – after discussion regarding the positioning of the flagpole, it was agreed that Cllr Hall would take photographs and complete the NKDC planning application form.

Action: Cllr Hall to take photographs of the flagpole installation site and complete the planning application form.

b. Community Hub Agreement Form – Cllr Watts confirmed that he had signed the agreement and returned to LCC Libraries.

c. Request to metal detect on the John Cutforth Playing Field - following consideration via e mail, the resident was advised to contact the Lincs Historical Society and look to participate in a group metal detecting session.

d. LCC Highways proposed visit to look at the Pedestrian Crossing - Cllr Woollas asked that the Clerk write to Richard Fenwick and advise that whilst visiting, could he have a look at the other road safety issues that were being looked at as part of NPC’s road safety review.

Action: The Clerk to write to Richard Fenwick and request that his inspection be extended to cover the other items of concern.

e. New Anglian Water (AW) Pipeline Site meeting = Cllr Gunning confirmed that himself & Cllr McRitche had attend the site meeting with AW that morning. Under a Water Act Order, work had to commence within 3 months and would take between 6-9 months. AW confirmed that they were in discussion with Calder & Son (current tenant of the Parish Field) and would continue to liaise whilst they were working on that segment of the pipeline. No road closures were planned, and vehicular access would be from one central compound. Cllr Gunning suggested that AW be given an out of hours NPC point of contact.

Action: The Clerk to note that the payment of an easement by AW directly to NPC in respect of the Parish Field, would be in FY 22/23.


10. To consider & approve the PRECEPT for FY21/22.

Discussion took place regarding the Options Cllr Burt had forwarded to Council members for their considerations. It was agreed that it would be best to stick with the current proposed budget, reduce the current account surplus to maintain FY 21/22’s Band D Tax at FY 20/21’s level and then use FY 20/21’s over allocation to subsidise FY 21/22’s Precept bid. The latter would result in a decrease of 7.16% for the residents. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Woollas and therefore Resolved that NPC would submit a Precept request for £68,962 for FY 21/22.

Actions: Cllr Burt to check the Precept submission prior to the Clerk forwarding to NKDC.

The Clerk to submit the Precept to NKDC by the 29 Jan 21.


11. To consider and approve the purchase of a Flag Pole & Union Flag to be erected at the Venue.

Previously discussed at Item No 9.


12. Updates from Portfolios Holders:

a. Cemetery

No comments.

b. Highways

Previously discussed at Item No 9l.

c. Youth Club

Cllr Hall advised the Council that ACTS were looking to do a presentation to the Navenby Primary School regarding the youth club services they were able to offer in the local area. In the absence of a normal club, they were continuing to offer the service via Zoom @ £35 per week. Cllr Woollas asked what the attendance numbers were, and Cllr Hall advised that the latest session had seen 3 children take part.

d. Navenby Car Scheme

Suspended until further notice.

e. Play Areas

Although already agreed as part of the Precept process and covered previously at Item No 10 - the proposal by Cllr East to purchase 2 new pieces of play equipment (Climbing Midi Stack system & a Timber Trail at a cost of £16,750) was discussed and it was agreed that the matter (as detailed separately on the Agenda) should be subject to a vote. It was proposed by Cllr East and seconded by Cllr Burt and therefore Resolved that the new play equipment be purchased at the beginning of FY 21/22. Cllr Woollas reminded the Council that Grants were available to Councils for such purchases and it was agreed that Cllr East would investigate further. The Clerk advised the Council that she had provisionally booked an installation date with NEWBY Leisure, in order to secure the service as slots were being taken up quickly.

Action: The Clerk to advise NEWBY Leisure that an order for the new play equipment had been approved and that their proposed installation date of the 26 Apr 21 was accepted. Cllr East to investigate possible Grants available to part or fully fund the play equipment purchase.

f. Schools House Trust.

No comments.

g. Cliff Cluster

The Chairman advised that the Cliff Cluster meetings were still suspended until further notice. However, he would be attending the next Lincs Resilience meeting.

h. Library

Cllr Watts advised that the library was now closed and would reopen when the COVID 19 restrictions allowed.

i. Finance & Administration

Previously discussed at Item No 10.

j. Website/IT

The Clerk & Cllr Morris gave an update on progress with the new Website. The old Website was now shut down and all relevant documents transferred to the new site. It was to be noted that the new Website was still regarded as a works in progress for the time being. Quotation from Intellitech for the provision of monthly WEB admin services – it was proposed by Cllr Morris & seconded by Cllr Hall & therefore Resolved that the quote for £300 per year (£25 pm) be accepted. The Clerk advised Cllr Burt that this late additional cost would have to be added to the Budget proposed at Item No 10. Cllr Burt agreed to revise the figures.

Actions: The Clerk took an action to advise Intellitech that their quote had been accepted. Cllr Burt to revise Budget figures to include the web services monthly costs.

k. VENUE Trustee Chairman

The Venue Trustee Chairman confirmed that the next Trustee meeting was scheduled for the 19 Jan 21.

l. Community Wellbeing

Cllr Hall updated that the posters had been put up on the noticeboards around the Village. The Urban Kitchen & the Hairdressers had also kindly agreed to display posters. It was agreed that a piece of plywood should be put up inside each of the stone bus shelters for the purposes of displaying more of the wellbeing posters. Cllr Taylor had pieces of plywood suitable for the purpose and was able to arrange for them to be put up.

Action: Cllr Taylor & Hall to arrange for the display of posters within the Bus Shelters on the High Street.

m. Speed Indicator Device (SID).

The Chairman thanked Cllr Morris for his continued weekly efforts in respect of keeping the battery SID operational and Cllr Watts for his efforts in respect of downloading data from both devices. Quotation from ELANCITY in respect of retro fitting the Battery SID with solar capability – Cllr Morris expressed his concern at doing the retro fit when the Solar SID performance was not satisfactory. Discussion took place regarding the ideal conditions for it to work properly and it was agreed the Clerk should seek guidance from ELANCITY. Vote deferred until next meeting.

Action: The Clerk to write to Elancity and seek guidance on the optimum operating conditions for the SOLAR SID and to arrange for a technician to talk to Cllr Watts when convenient.

n. Defibrillators.

Cllr Gunning updated that the pads on the Defibrillators had all been changed.

o. Street Lamps.

No comments.


The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the Video Link meeting closed at 21.40 pm.


13. Date & Time of next meeting is the 9 February 2021 at 7pm.