4 May - Annual Meeting

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes


Date/ Time: Tuesday 4 May 2021 at 7.00 pm.

Location: via Video Link (ZOOM).

Present (Cllrs): Mr K Gunning, Vice Chairman; Mr M Burt; Mr G Morris; Mrs C Hall;

Mr A Watts; Mr K Lamyman; Mr C East; Mrs E McRitchie & Mr S Woollas.

In Attendance: Mrs Z Parr (Assistant Parish Clerk)

Absent/Apologies: None


1. Vice Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks

The Vice Chairman welcomed all present to the Zoom Video Link


2. Election of Chairman

The Vice Chairman advised that only 1 nomination has been received for the position of Chairman – namely Cllr. Burt. It was unanimously agreed that Cllr. Burt be elected as Chairman.


3. Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr Gunning proposed that he be considered for the Vice Chairman position and this was unanimously agreed.


4. Election of Finance Officer

Cllr Hall proposed that she be considered for the position of Finance Officer and this was unanimously agreed.


5. To receive Declarations of Acceptance of Office & update Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and other interests.

All Parish Councillors were advised that the necessary forms for completion had been emailed to them prior to the meeting and they were requested to complete and return to the Parish Office as soon as possible after the meeting.

Actions: Councillors to return completed forms.


6. To approve and accept the Calendar of Meetings for the forthcoming year.

All Councillors approved the Calendar showing meetings to be held on the first Tuesday of each month.


7. To approve and accept the Insurance Policy and resolve to pay the premium at the Parish Council meeting following the Annual Meeting.

Discussion took place as to the choice of premiums and length of period of cover as shown on quotation. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr Lamyman that the 5year schedule is accepted subject to it not being possible to find a cheaper quotation in the time frame available.


8. To Elect Members to hold the following Portfolios:

a. Cemetery

Cllrs Gunning, East and McRitchie elected

b. Highways

Cllrs Woollas, Lamyman and Morris elected

c. Youth Club

Cllr Hall elected

d. Navenby Car Scheme

Cllr Woollas elected

e. Play Areas

Cllrs Lamyman, East and McRitchie elected

f. Schools House Trust.

Cllr Lamyman elected

g. Cliff Cluster

Discussion to be held with Cllr Overton regarding the future of this group.

h. Library

Cllr Watts elected

j. Website/IT

Cllr Morris elected

k. VENUE Trustee Chairman

Cllr Burt elected

l. Community Wellbeing

Cllr Hall elected

m. Speed Indicator Device (SID).

Cllr Watts, Morris and Woollas elected

n. Defibrillators.

Cllrs Gunning, Morris and Burt elected

o. Street Lamps.

Cllrs Gunning and Watts elected

p. Planning

Cllrs Woollas and East elected


9. Finance

Cllr Burt proposed that the following documents that all the councillors had sight of were accepted as correct:

Section 1 – Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2020/21

Section 2 – Accounting Statement 2020/21 of the AGAR

Statement of Accounts

and proposed that he should sign them. This was seconded by Cllr Woollas.

The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared this Video Link meeting was closed at 1930 hours, requesting that all councillors reopen their Video Link for the monthly Parish Council Meeting to commence immediately following.


Minutes Accepted: ………………………………………….. Chairman Date: ………………………