2 March 2021

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council Meeting Minutes


Date/ Time: Tuesday 2 March 2021 at 7.00 pm.

Location: via Video Link (Zoom).

Present (Cllrs): Mr B O’Sullivan, Chairman; Mr K Gunning, Vice Chairman; Mr G Morris; Mr A Watts; Mrs L Taylor; Mr K Lamyman; Mr M Burt; Mr S Woollas; Mrs E McRitchie; Mrs C Hall & Mr C East.

In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)



1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all present to the Zoom Video Link and thanked them for their continuing efforts in respect of supporting the Library, Youth Club, Play Areas, Highways and the Speed Indicator Devices.


2. Public Session

No residents in attendance.


3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.



4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 9 February 2021.

It was proposed by Cllr East and seconded by Cllr Taylor and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 9 February 2021, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.


5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).

Discussion took place regarding the transactions listing presented for the month of February 2021. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning, seconded by Cllr Hall and therefore Resolved that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised. Cllr Lamyman confirmed that he was able to approve the Bank payments the next day. The Clerk advised that due to the end of year accounting process she would need to ensure that billing for March was completed by the 31 Mar 21.


6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

Cllr Hagues was in attendance and confirmed with the Clerk that she was in receipt of the Newsletter she had sent to the Parish Office.

Cllr Overton was in attendance and confirmed with the Clerk that she was in receipt of the Newsletter she had sent the Parish Office. Highlights from the report included schools back on the 8 Mar, COVID Thank You Event & £2.2M extra funding for flooding.

Cllr Morris asked for an update on the continued closure of Headland Way to traffic. Cllr Overton advised that the Enforcement Officer had investigated the matter and advised that everything was ok, and that the closure was legal.


7. To consider updates from local police.

The Clerk advised that apart from the normal monthly Police report, the Council were yet to receive a report from PC Roberts detailing crimes specific to Navenby Village. The Chairman advised that he had spoken with PC Roberts, who had confirmed that the recent investigations into the “egg throwing” and shop lifting incidents had resulted in the culprits being identified.

Cllr Hagues advised of some recent attempts at dog kidnapping in Coleby & Metheringham villages.


8. To consider Planning Matters

Planning Applications – no observations.

Correspondence – Cllrs Gunning & Taylor raised the issue of the RIPPON Homes Eleanor Gardens development and a missing Planning Application on the NKDC Website. Cllr Taylor advised that the Contractor was working outside of agreed working hours and that noise levels were at times intolerable. These issues were now with the Compliance Office & Environmental Health to resolve. Cllr Gunning asked Cllr Hagues if she could make enquiries with NKDC regarding the missing planning information.

Action: Cllr Hagues to contact NKDC Planning regarding planning information relating to the changes in house type by the developer.

Tree Conservation - no observations.


9. To consider correspondence.

Actions arising from the correspondence received:

g. LALC Annual Training Subscription - after discussion it was agreed that the Clerk advise LALC that NPC will continue to pay for training on a Pay As You Go basis.

j. Pizza Takeaway Enquiry – the Clerk to contact the Venue Manager and ask that he contact the enquirer regarding the decision to not allow the Venue car park to be used.


10. To consider and approve an unsolicited approach from Mountjoy Rural (Farm Business Consultants) in respect of representing NPC with regard obtaining compensation for Anglian Water pipeline works.

Discussion took place regarding the offer received from Mountjoy Rural and the benefits of formal representation. It was proposed by Cllr McRitchie and seconded by Cllr Gunning and therefore Resolved that NPC would accept the Offer of Service from Mountjoy Rural. The Clerk was advised to inform Mr Mountjoy of the decision.

Actions: The Clerk to formally advise Mountjoy Rural that NPC were accepting the offer of representation.


11. Updates from Portfolios Holders:

a. Cemetery

No comments.

b. Highways

Cllr Woollas advised that he had no further update to make following on from the recent e mail from Richard Fenwick of LCC Highways. He asked that the Clerk hasten Cllr Overton regarding her progress with the road safety campaign issues.

Action: The Clerk to hasten Cllr Overton regarding progress with issues raised in the road safety campaign.

c. Youth Club

Cllr Hall advised that the Youth Club continued to be run via Zoom sessions with 3 to 4 children attending. An Invoice had been received for the period up until the 31 Mar 21.

d. Navenby Car Scheme

The Car Scheme remains suspended until further notice.

e. Play Areas

GRANTs Funding for Play Areas – Cllr East advised that he had found 20 possible sources of GRANT funding. After discussion, it was agreed that he would send each of the Play Area Portfolio Holders details of 5 organisations that may be able to provide funding. Portfolio holders were to contact the organisations and investigate the possibilities of securing a GRANT and report back to Cllr East.

Action: Cllr East to forward Cllrs McRitchie, Taylor & Lamyman details of possible GRANT funding for their action.

Twenty Row Play Area – Cllr Gunning reported that he had noticed several outdated posters and an accumulation of litter. Cllr Lamyman advised that he would visit the site and remove the rubbish etc.

Action: Cllr Lamyman to visit Twenty Row Play Area.

f. Schools House Trust.

No comments.

g. Cliff Cluster

The Chairman advised that whilst there were no Cliff Cluster meetings - he would be attending the next COVID resilience meeting scheduled for the 8 Mar 21.

h. Library

Cllr Watts advised that the library remains closed until such times as the restrictions allowed it to be open.

i. Finance & Administration

The Clerk requested approval to attend the EDGE accounting Webinar on the 9 Mar 21 at a cost of £40. It was proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Lamyman and therefore Resolved that the sum of £40 be approved for the Clerks attendance at the EDGE Webinar.

j. Website/IT

The Clerk advised that the new Website was still regarded as a works in progress for the time being. She would be reviewing the Website and providing Intellitech Ltd with the required documents where necessary.

Actions: The Clerk to check the Website and advise Intellitech Ltd where it required updating.

k. Venue Trustee Chairman

The Venue Trustee Chairman gave an update on his enquiries regarding the Constitution, and that he had spoken with Malcom Smith. He confirmed that the Charity Commission were in receipt of the amended version of the document but only show the original on their Website. A further update to be provided at the next Venue Trustees meeting later in the month.

l. Community Wellbeing.

Bus Shelter Noticeboards - Cllr Taylor advised that she had installed a plywood noticeboard in the bus shelter across from Luke’s Barber and put up some wellbeing posters.

m. Speed Indicator Device (SID).

SID Batteries - it was proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Burt and therefore Resolved that the sum of £90 be approved for the purchase of x 2 new batteries for the battery powered SID. It was agreed that the Clerk would place an order with Tanya Ltd.

Action: The Clerk to raise a purchase order for the purchase of new SID batteries.

SID operating parameters – Cllr Watts advised that he had a telecon with Elancity later in the week to go thru changing the parameters on both SIDs so that they used less power. Changing the data display was known to conserve energy. Cllrs Woollas & Burt both offered to assist as required.

Action: Cllr Watts to speak with ELANCITY regarding changing the operating parameters on both SIDs.

n. Defibrillators.

Cllr Gunning confirmed that the defibrillator by the school had been checked.

o. Street Lamps.

No comments.

The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the VIDEO LINK meeting closed at 20.45 pm.


13. Date & Time of next meeting is the 6 March 2021 at 7pm.