February 2025 Minutes



Date/ Time: Tuesday 4th February 2025 at 7.00 pm. 
Location:  The Parish Office @ The Venue, Navenby.
Present (Cllrs): Mr M J Burt (Chairman); Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman); Mr A Watts; Mr R Baker; Mrs L Rooney; Mr Lamyman;  Mr C Mills; Mrs E Carless & Mr C East.
In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)
Absent/Apologies: Mrs H McFaul & Mrs J Thompson Burt.
1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 
2. Public Session
There were no residents in attendance.
3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.
Absences – Mrs H McFaul & Mrs J Thompson-Burt.
Declaration of Interests – None.
4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 7th January 2025.
It was proposed by Cllr Mills and seconded by Cllr Rooney and therefore RESOLVED that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meetings held on 7th January 2025, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.  NB All Cllrs voted in favour of the motion.  The Clerk confirmed that there were no outstanding actions.
 5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).
After consideration, it was proposed by Cllr Watts and seconded by Cllr Carless and therefore RESOLVED that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised.   NB All Cllrs voted in favour of the motion.   Cllr Gunning advised that he’d authorise the on-line payments.
6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.
Cllr Hagues – in attendance.  Newsletter supplied.  
Cllr Overton – not in attendance.  Newsletter supplied. 
7. To consider updates from local police.
8. To consider Planning Matters
a. Planning Applications – no comments.
b. Correspondence – no comments.
c. Tree Conservation – no comments.
9. To consider correspondence.
NKDC Planning Enforcement letter regarding landscaping at the RIPPON Gardens development.  Cllr Gunning asked that the Clerk confirm with NKDC Planning Enforcement what work had actually been done.
Action:  The Clerk to contact NKDC for confirmation of remedial works actually carried out on the Eleanor Gardens site.
10.  Updates from Portfolios Holders:
a. Cemetery
b. Highways
Community Speed Watch (CSW) – the Chairman advised that the CSW had not conducted any checks during January 2025.  In respect of CSW training – none had been required.
c.  Play Areas
New slide for Twenty Row Play Area – the Clerk advised that the new slide was on order and would take approx. 6 weeks to arrive.   Discussion took place regarding installation of the slide and it was agreed that the Clerk should approach NKDC and ask who they used to install play area equipment.  Cllr Lamyman advised that the grass in both play areas needed cutting and could the Clerk contact the Contractor.
Action:  The Clerk to contact NKDC for information on accredited play equipment installers & CB Maintenance iro grass cutting for both play areas.
d.  Schools House Trust (SHT).
No comments.
e.  Library
No comments.
After discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk would ask the LALC Webmaster for the viewing stats of the PC website.  Cllr Mills advised that he was taking over management of the site from Cllr Carless.  The Clerk advised that he should look at some PC websites for format & content ideas.
Action:  The Clerk to contact LALC regarding website viewing figures.
g. VENUE Trustee Chairman
Public Works Loan Board – Cllr Mills queried whether the PC could get a better deal by renewing the loan.  Cllr Gunning advised that the agreement was the best at the time in 2012 and continued to be so. 
Finance – Cllr Baker reported that the End of Year figure for the Venue accounts was expected to be in the region of £26-27K.
Insurance Policy Renewal – the Chairman advised that he was in discussions with the Company and will update at the next Venue Management Committee meeting.
New Event Managers –the Chairman thanked everyone for their votes.  He advised that events would be tracked and monitored to ensure spend remained on budget.
Charity Commission report – Cllr Carless advised that the report had been submitted and that there were no queries from the accountant.
Venue Management Committee meeting – Cllr Carless advised that the draft Agenda had now been circulated.
NJFC – the Chairman advised that there was to be another meeting with the club to discuss the rent increase.   The PC Responsible Finance Officer was looking to locate the original Football Foundation agreement and Service Level Agreement paperwork from 2012 in order to establish a baseline for future discussions. 
h. Community Wellbeing inc Youth Club & Youth Cafe
Cllr Rooney advised that all was well with both clubs and that attendance remained around 20-30 primary and 12-18 secondary children each week.
NKDC Offer of free trees – Cllr Thompson-Burt to investigate whether the trees on offer would be suitable for planting out on PC owned play areas. 
Waiver of room hire charges at The Venue for senior citizens events – the Clerk advised Cllr Carless that any requests for free rooms should be directed to the Venue Management Committee meeting.
Proposed Bike Pump Track – Cllr Mills advised that after investigation the best site to locate the track would be at the back of the North Lane play area.  Another possible location was the open space adjacent to Pitfield Walk but that was discounted due to possible issues such as ASB, noise & light pollution. 
Navenby Car Scheme – Cllr Gunning requested the Clerk write to the Graffoe LINK and ask that the NCS advert be removed now that the scheme had closed.  He also asked that the Clerk contact the Co-ordinator and request that the finances be settled and any monies owed the PC be returned.
Veterans Breakfast Clubs – the Chairman advised that the first breakfast club had taken place in Jan 25 at “Down the Road” and had attracted a good number of attendees.  It was hoped that there would be another one in Mar 25.
i. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
The Chairman advised that he had experienced problems charging the batteries but hoped to have the matter resolved quickly.
j. Defibrillators.
No comments.
k. Street Lamps.
No comments. 
The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 19.50 hrs.
11. Date & Time of next meeting is the 4th March at 7.00pm.
Minutes Accepted:   Original Signed M J BURT Chairman  Date: 4 MARCH 2025