January 2025 Minutes
Date/ Time: Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 7.00 pm.
Location: The Parish Office @ The Venue, Navenby.
Present (Cllrs): Mr M J Burt (Chairman); Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman); Mr A Watts; Mr R Baker; Mrs L Rooney; Mr Lamyman; Mrs J Thompson Burt; Mrs H McFaul; Mr C Mills & Mrs E Carless.
In Attendance: Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk) & Mrs C Hall (RFO)
Absent/Apologies: Mr C East
1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Public Session
There was 1 resident in attendance.
The resident expressed concerns about cars parking near to the Winton Road junction with Grantham Road. In recent months several cars and lorries could be found parked up close to the junction and were causing issues with having a clear line of sight when approaching the junction to turn left or right out of Winton Road. Concern was also expressed in respect of smoke fumes (from engines left running) entering properties adjacent to the junction. The resident advised that she had contacted LCC (via Fix My Street) regarding the installation of double yellow lines and that they had suggested she speak to her Parish & District Councillors about obtaining a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO).
After discussion, the Chairman advised that NPC would initiate the paperwork required for a Traffic Regulation Order and liaise with District Councillor Overton. The Clerk advised that she’d visit the site and obtain some photos to support the need for a TRO.
Action: NPC to initiate the paperwork required for a TRO with Cllr Overton and the Clerk to obtain photos of cars parked too close to the junction.
3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.
Absences – Mr C East
Declaration of Interests – Cllr Lamyman iro development as detailed in Planning Application 24/1430/FUL for Northlea 3 Lincoln Road Navenby.
4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 3rd December 2024.
It was proposed by Cllr Mills and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore RESOLVED that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meetings held on 3rd December 2024, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting. NB All Cllrs voted in favour of the motion. The Clerk confirmed that there were no outstanding actions.
5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).
After consideration, it was proposed by Cllr Carless and seconded by Cllr Baker and therefore RESOLVED that all expenses listed in Appendix A were authorised. NB All Cllrs voted in favour of the motion. Cllr Lamyman advised that he’d authorise the on-line payments.
6. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.
Cllr Hagues – in attendance. Newsletter supplied. Cllr Hagues advised that NKDC had issued an e mail iro revised emergency procedures for areas hit by flooding.
Cllr Overton – in attendance. Newsletter supplied. Cllr Overton briefed on the following:
New Solar Developments planned for Leadenham, as well as Brant Broughton. The next meeting of the protest group would be on the 16 Jan 25 5-7pm @ The Venue in Navenby. Looking to restart the Cliff Cluster meetings and hoping to utilise funding to support the protest group’s administrative costs.
Decision making Changes – a new Mayor was to be elected on the 1 May 2025.
Combined Authority – would have 10 Cllrs. Unfortunately, not representative of all political parties.
7. To consider updates from local police.
PC Roberts was in attendance and reported that there had been no problems.
8. To consider Planning Matters
a. Planning Applications – no Comments.
b. Correspondence – no comments.
c. Tree Conservation – no comments.
9. To consider correspondence.
Proposal for Bike Pump Track @ The Venue – the Clerk advised that additional information was still awaited from Mr Ewen.
10. Budget for FY 25/26. Agree the proposed NPC Budget for FY 25/26, as circulated by the Chairman ahead of the meeting of 7 Jan 25.
After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Thompson-Burt and seconded by Cllr McFaul and therefor RESOLVED that the Budget for FY 25/26 be set at £127,950. NB Nine Cllrs voted in favour, and one against.
11. Level of Precept for FY 25/26. Select one of the three proposed levels of Precept, as circulated by the Chairman ahead of the meeting of 7 Jan 25, to fund the NPC Budget for FY 25/26.
After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Thompson-Burt & seconded by Cllr McFaul and therefore RESOLVED that the Precept Option 1 would be set at £121,730. Anticipated expenditure of £127,950 would be offset by expected income of £6,220 leaving a required precept of £121,730. NB 8 Cllrs voted in favour of Option 1, one Cllr voted for Option 2, no Cllrs voted for Option 3. One Cllr abstained from voting on any of the options.
12. NJC Pay Scales.
Council members considered the 2024-25 pay award and the back dating of pay to 1 April 2024. It was proposed by Cllr Thompson-Burt and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore RESOLVED that the revised NJC pay award and back dating of it be implemented. NB All Cllrs voted in favour of the motion.
13. Updates from Portfolios Holders:
a. Cemetery
b. Highways
Community Speed Watch (CSW) – the Chairman advised that the CSW Co-ordinator was organising a briefing & training event to try to boost numbers.
Maidenwell Lane Junction – the Chairman advised that he had met with Richard Fenwick from LCC Highways to discuss the issue of poor visibility when emerging from the junction onto the High Street. Following the visit, LCC had submitted a proposal which the Chairman handed round the Council members. It was agreed that NPC would accept the temporary measure of a new bolt-on kerb until such times that the permanent solution could be put in place. The Clerk to advise Highways that NPC would accept the temporary solution and to proceed as quickly as possible.
Action: The Chairman to write to LCC accepting the proposal and to draft a response to all residents who had expressed concerns.
c. Play Areas
New slide for Twenty Row Play Area – the Clerk advised that the new slide was on order and would take approx. 6 weeks to arrive. Discussion took place regarding installation of the slide and the outstanding ROSPA repairs for both play areas. It was agreed that the Clerk should approach Mr Chapman at the end of the month and see if he was available to carry out the work.
Action: The Clerk to contact Mr Chapman at the end of January regarding install of the new slide and the remaining ROSPA repairs.
d. Schools House Trust (SHT).
No comments.
e. Library
No comments.
Cllr Carless advised that due to other commitments she was no longer able to help with the PC Website element of the portfolio. Cllr Mills volunteered to liaise with Cllr Carless iro looking at taking over the website responsibilities.
Action: Cllrs Mills & Carless to liaise regarding handing over the PC website management.
h. VENUE Trustee Chairman
Bowls Club – the Chairman advised that he had drafted a new SLA and was just waiting for the surveyor to visit and advise on an appropriate ground rent before he shared it with Council members.
NJFC – the Chairman advised that himself along with Cllr Mills & the Venue Manager were scheduled to meet with NJFC representatives to discuss the proposed SLA & rent increase on the 18th Jan 25. He also advised that he had contacted a land surveyor in Lincoln with a view to visiting the Venue and playing fields to determine an appropriate rental fee. The cost of the latter would be funded by the Venue.
Venue Staff Contracts – now that the Chairman had clarity on the separation of Parish Council & Navenby Playing Field Assoc responsibilities, he asked that Council members respond to his e mail requesting they vote on the employment of 2 part time Event Managers. Thereafter, he would proceed with drafting new contracts. The NPFA management document was to be revised to reflect the need for new meetings to be scheduled on a regular basis so that progress, income & expenditure could be monitored more closely.
Action: All Management Committee members to vote (by e mail) in respect of the employment of 2 part time Event Managers.
h. Community Wellbeing inc Youth Club & Youth Cafe
Cllr McFaul advised that all was well with both clubs and that they were planning to have a “DJ experience” night on the 31 Jan 25.
i. Speed Indicator Device (SID).
The Chairman advised that he had been changing the batteries as required, but that he had not been able to do any downloads in recent months.
j. Defibrillators.
Cllr Gunning advised that the Defibrillator located at the Venue had been used on the 3 Jan 25 and had now been returned to its cabinet. For the future it should be noted that new pads would need to be ordered on the 1 APR 25.
k. Street Lamps.
The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 20.35 hrs.
13. Date & Time of next meeting is the 4th February at 7.00pm.
Minutes Accepted: Original Signed M J Burt Chairman 4 FEBRUARY 2025