October 2019 Minutes

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council Meeting Minutes


Date/ Time: Tuesday 1st October 2019, 7pm.

Location: The Parish Office, The Venue, Grantham Road, Navenby.

Present (Cllrs): Mr B O’Sullivan, Chairman; Mr K Gunning, Vice Chairman; Mr S Woollas; Mr C East; Mr M Burt; Mr G Morris; Mr K Lamyman, Mr A Watts; Mrs C Hall Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)

In Attendance: 1 Resident, Cllr M Overton & Cllr L Hagues

Absent/Apologies: Mrs J Thompson-Burt;


1. Chairman’s - Welcoming Remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2. Public Session

The Chairman invited questions from the resident in attendance. Of concern was the state of the Linden Homes Grass Verges on Green Man Road. The resident asked if the Council could contact Linden Homes and hasten some remedial actions. The Clerk explained that she had been in discussion with the Highways Enforcement Officer who was responsible for ensuring that both roads & verges were of an appropriate standard prior to LCC adopting them back. The Clerk took an action to contact LCC & update them that Linden Homes had still not returned the verges to a suitable state.


3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

The Assistant Clerk confirmed that apologies for absence in respect of Mrs J Thompson-Burt had been received. Cllr Lamyman declared an interest in Agenda Item No 9 (Planning) and duly signed the Register.


4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 3rd September 2019.

It was proposed by Cllr Gunning and seconded by Cllr East and therefore Resolved that the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 3rd September 2019, should be accepted as a true record of the meeting.


5. To consider the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A).

Discussion took place regarding the transactions listing presented for the month of September 2019. The Clerk advised that the receipt of the latest paper Bank Statement was still awaited, therefore the reconciliation had not yet taken place. The Current Account balance as at end of September 19 was read out. It was proposed by Cllr Watts, seconded by Cllr Hall and therefore Resolved, that all expenses listed in appendix A should be authorised to be paid.


6. To consider the Clerk’s report.

Please see Appendix B.

The Chairman read out the key points from the Clerks Report. There were the following actions arising from the items detailed on the Appendix B:

Ser No 2 - Rippon Homes New Development. All to note that Presentation scheduled for 8 Oct 19 in The Venue.

Ser No 7 – Highways. Clerk to remove the word “unsafe” from the text “unsafe Junction Green Man Road”.

Ser No 8 – North Lane Play Area. Cllr East took an action to source materials for repairs.

Ser No 18 – Cemetery. Cllr Gunning to action to visit resident @ Stones Place MHA in respect of alternative burial plot.

Ser No 20 – Cliff Cluster Meeting. All to note that the next meeting was to be held on the 17 Oct 19 and not the 18 Oct 19 as originally briefed.

Ser No 24 – War Memorial. The Clerk was to liaise with St Peters Church regarding the upkeep of the memorial.


7. To consider updates from District/County Councillors.

Cllrs Overton & Hague were in attendance.

Cllr Hague briefed the Council that she was now a member of the Flood & Drainage Committee and had recently visited Wainfleet to see the flood damage.

Cllr Overton briefed those present on the following:

Access to 7 Lincoln Road – District Enforcement officer contacted regarding haulage lorries waiting on the highway to gain access.

Cliff Villages Carnival – a huge success and hopefully it would become an annual event.

Junc A607/Green Man Road Safety – speeding into & out of the village. This will hopefully be addressed by the installation of a new Speed Indicator Device. The use of Convex Mirrors is not endorsed by Highways.

Cliff Cluster Meeting – 17th Oct 19 in Navenby Parish Office @ 07.30pm.

Proposed New Pig Unit near Harmston – concerns regarding open sewage & smell from such large numbers of animals being kept on site.


8. To consider updates from local police.

Report received for the period 3rd – 29th September 2019 advised that there had been 4 recorded crimes. On the 5th/6th Sep 19, the theft of power tools from a van. On the 13th Sep 19, the theft of a purse from a property on East Road. On the 18th Sep 19, the theft of number plates from a vehicle parked in a Car Park on the High Street. On the 22nd/23rd Sep 19, the theft of a Catalytic Convertor from a vehicle on The Rise.


9. To consider planning Applications

Please see Appendix C:

There were no observations.


10. To consider correspondence.

Please see Appendix D:

The matters arising (Actions) & decisions from the Correspondence were:

Ser No 1 – Valuation of Navenby Cemetery. Cllr Gunning advised that he had looked at Valuations Office Agency (VOA) request for information and was able to provide a response. The Clerk took an action to respond to the VOA.

Ser No 12 – North Lane Play Area/High Street. In respect of the recent antisocial behaviour reported, the Clerk advised that this had been reported to the Police by both NPC & the resident. It was agreed that the situation would continue to be monitored during Oct 19 and if necessary, discussed at next month’s meeting. The Clerk took an action to add the matter to the Nov 19 agenda if required.


11. To consider the requirement for a Parish Handyman.

The requirement for a Parish Handyman was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr Woollas would review the Job Description and amend it to include duties in respect of the Speed Indicator Device and then have it circulated to Council Members prior to the next meeting. Once agreed, an advert would be placed on the Village Noticeboards, Navenby Net & in the Graffoe News. The Clerk took an action to forward Cllr Woollas a copy of both the current Job Description & the Contract.

Litter Picking on the High Street – Cllr Morris advised the Council that he had met a resident on the High Street who every Sunday picks up the litter. It was agreed that this marvellous gesture of community spirit needed to be supported. Currently the resident was providing their own equipment and it was agreed that NPC should purchase 2 Litter Picker mechanical aids (for use on loan by the Parish Handyman & the community) and provide black refuse sacks when required. It was proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Watts and therefore Resolved that the Clerk purchase 2 Litter Pickers.


12. To discuss & decide on the initial placement of the new Speed Indicator Device (SID).

The Chairman gave the latest update on the SID and it was agreed that the Clerk should contact LRSP & enquire when the remedial works to existing posts, as well as the provision of a new post would be complete. In respect of mounting the device onto a post – Cllr Morris advised that a Risk Assessment (RA) should be carried out as the activity would involve working at height & manual handling. The Clerk took an action to speak to the Gosberton PC Clerk and find out if they had an RA for their devices.


13. To discuss the requirement for additional Grounds Maintenance in the Cemetery.

Discussion took place regarding the need for a revised grounds maintenance programme following the removal of the rubbish/brash heap. It was agreed that the area under the trees and the perimeter edge needed to be kept clear. It was proposed by Cllr Gunning & seconded by Cllr Woollas and therefore Resolved that the Contractor be instructed (following acceptance of a Quotation) to strim the nettles as required, and that the patch of bare ground be reseeded. The Clerk took an action to contact the Contractor and request a Quotation.


14. To review & discuss the Pay Scales for 2020/21.

The Clerk advised that the Pay Scale for 20/21 had not yet been received. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact LALC and confirm if it was likely to be a % increase on the last published Pay Scales.


15. To discuss the conclusion of the Annual Accountability & Governance Return (AGAR) for Yr End 31 Mar 19. The

Clerk updated the meeting that the AGAR process was now officially complete, Ser No 9 of Agenda Item No 10 refers. The PKF Littlejohn Invoice was included for approval & payment at Agenda Item No 5. Cllr Morris had uploaded the necessary notices to the NPC Website, so no further action going forward.


16. To discuss the requirement to renew the Parish Office BT Broadband Package.

The Clerk advised that the current deal would expire in 6 months’ time and therefore a new package would have to be sought. It was agreed that Cllr Hall would take an action to liaise with the Clerk and arrange for a review of the current package.


17. To consider, discuss & approve locations with the Village for the new Dog Fouling Signs.

Discussion took place regarding existing signage and Cllr Woollas took an action to determine exactly where all the small metal signs were located. The Clerk took an action to ask NKDC whether or not they intended to reinstate the fine for dog fouling?


18. Updates from Portfolios Holders:

a. Cemetery

Already discussed at Agenda Item No 13.

b. Highways

Cllr Wollas advised (1) that a kerbstone outside of the One Stop Shop was damaged. The Clerk took an action to report to Highways. (2) that the damaged bollard on the High Street would be relocated 1M further up in an attempt, to prevent any further damage to it from delivery vehicles. Cllr Gunning mentioned that the area of broken concrete was a trip hazard, and that a traffic cone be deployed to highlight the uneven surface. The Clerk took an action to source a traffic cone.

c. Youth Club

Cllr Hall briefed the Council on the other Youth Clubs that operate in the area explaining the set up and how they were funded. She also advised that the meeting scheduled to be held with ACTS on 23 Sep 19 was cancelled at the last minute by them. Cllr Hall explained the revised costs being proposed by ACTS and that she would be looking to meet them formally within the next week. Cllr Gunning brought up the subject of The Venue previously contributing to the running of the Youth Club, and that he would speak with the Venue Manager about recommencing.

d. Navenby Car Scheme

No comments.

e. Play Areas

Cllr Lamyman confirmed that he had purchased some security fencing for North Lane Play Area and submitted an Invoice to the Parish Office.

f. Schools House Trust.

No comments.

g. Cliff Cluster

The Chairman advised the next meeting would be on the 17th Oct 19 and welcomed any agenda item contributions toward the meeting. The Clerk took an action to circulate the Notes from the last meeting to all Cllrs. Cllr Woollas questioned the purpose of & need for the Cliff Cluster to continue? The Chairman took an action to discuss with other Cluster members and to report back at the next Parish meeting.

h. Library

Cllr Watts gave a progress update on the Library mini transformation and advised that the most recent Grant funding had now been received by the Parish Office.

i. Finance & Administration

Cllr Gunning advised that all Portfolio Holders need to review their Budgets for the FY 202021 and look to submit them by no later than the 30 Nov 19.

Dedicated E Mail Boxes for Cllrs – the Clerk took an action to speak to F5 Computing regarding the supply of an additional E Mail Box package.

j. Website

No comments.

k. Venue Trustee Chairman

The Chairman advised that the next AGM of the Venue Trustees would be held on the 8th Oct 19 in The Venue. A copy of the Minutes from last year (16th Oct 18) were available for consideration prior to the meeting.

l. Mrs Smiths Cottage (New Portfolio)

The Chairman advised that with progress being made by NKDC at Mrs Smiths Cottage, it was now an appropriate time to create a Portfolio and appoint an NPC Holder. The Council agreed to appoint Cllr B O’Sullivan to the position. The Clerk took an action to amend the Agenda and Minutes to include the new portfolio.


The Chairman thanked all present for their participation and declared the meeting closed at 21.40 pm.


Date & Time of next meeting to be the 5th Novenber 2019 @ 7pm.