8 January 2019

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Navenby with Skinnand Parish Council to be held in the Village Office, the Venue, Grantham Road, on Tuesday 8th January at 7.00pm.




1. Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks.


2. The Public Session will follow and last for fifteen minutes. Members of the Public may ask questions or make short statements to the Parish Council.


3. Apologies for Absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.


4. To approve and accept the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 4th December 2018.


5. To resolve and approve the financial report and authorise payments (Appendix A)


6. To consider the Clerk’s Report (Appendix B)


7. To consider updates from District/County Councillors


8. To consider updates from local Police


9. To consider & make observations on all Planning Applications (Appendix C)


10. To consider correspondence (Appendix D)


11. To consider & discuss the 2019/20 Precept Request. .


12. To consider the siting of Bus Stops to the North of the Village. .


13. To consider the purchase of a replacement Village Noticeboard. .


14. To consider revised Grounds Maintenance Schedule for 2019/20 & the requirement to sub contract an element of remedial works.


15. To consider & discuss participation & co-ordination of inputs iro the May 2019 District & Parish Elections. .


16. Updates from Portfolio Holders:

a. Cemetery

b. Highways

c. Youth Club (ACTS)

d. Navenby Car Scheme

e. Play Areas

f. School House Trust

g. Cliff Cluster

h. Library