Subject: North Kesteven Heritage Grant Scheme
Dear Sir/Madam,
This email is just to draw your attention to a grant scheme that has recently been adopted by the Council which offers grant assistance of between £1,000 and £2,500 for works to historic buildings in North Kesteven. Funding is available to residential and commercial buildings, and the aim of the scheme is to preserve and enhance the District’s built heritage by encouraging the sympathetic repair of historic buildings.
A scheme total of £25,000 is available and works eligible for grant assistance include the repair, restoration or reinstatement of original windows and doors, brickwork and stonework repairs and repointing, repairs to chimneys and the repair or reinstatement of traditional boundary walls, railings and steps. Grants are available for 80% of the total cost of eligible works for Listed Buildings (to a maximum grant of £2,500), 60% of the total cost of eligible works for buildings in a Conservation Area (to a maximum grant of £1,500) and 50% of the total cost of eligible works for properties included on the Council’s ‘local list’ of non-designated heritage assets or where they meet the criteria for inclusion.
I’ve attached a leaflet which contains further information, and additional details can also be found on our website at:
Given that the scheme is in operation District-wide it would help us greatly if you could help us to publicise this through your Parish meetings and by displaying a copy of the leaflet on local notice boards. We’d be happy to discuss eligibility of specific projects with your parishioners and in the first instance any queries should be directed to our Conservation Officer Gareth Hughes on 01529 414155.