May 2024 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Date/ Time: Tuesday 21st May 2024, @ 7.30pm

Location: The Club Room, The Venue, Grantham Road, Navenby.

Present (Cllrs):    Mr T Everett (Chairman); Mr K Gunning (Vice Chairman); Mr M Burt; Mr A Watts;  Mr C East; Mrs H McFaul; Mrs E Carless &  Mrs R Watson. 

In Attendance:    Ms S Letham (Parish Clerk)

To be actioned by

1.    Chairman’s welcoming remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting and introduced the Parish Councillors & the Clerk.  He explained that the Youth Engagement meeting held earlier had attracted a good turnout of children.

2.    To approve & accept the minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting, held on Tuesday 25 May 2023.

It was proposed by Cllr East, seconded by Cllr Watson and therefore RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes from the previous Annual Parish Meeting held on the 25 May 2023.  All in favour.

3.    To take questions & suggestions from the residents.  The Clerk to note.

The following items were discussed:

PC Responsibilities. The Chairman advised those present that the Parish Council is responsible for the Cemetery, North Lane & Twenty Row play areas, the Venue & the John Cutforth playing field. The PC was only responsible for the upkeep of its own land and that LCC & NKDC covered the other areas.  Anyone requiring any help in respect of an issue in the Village was welcome to seek assistance from the Parish Office staff.  

Village Successes.  The 2023 Christmas Lights Switch On (David Clarke & the Team), Cllr McFaul for the Youth Café/Club & the 2024 Music Festival, the Community Speed Watch Team & the Walking Wombles for litter picking activities.

The Venue.  The Chairman & Cllr McFaul advised that work was in hand to further develop and sustain this important community asset.  The Parish Council had engaged a consultant to carry out some market research to ascertain what the community would like to see provided.   Residents were being encouraged to fill out a questionnaire. A initial consultation had already taken place and another Focus Group was planned for the 3 June 2024. 

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB).  Whilst the situation within the village had improved over the last 9 months, the Chairman urged residents to personally  report any incidents of ASB to the Police. 

Community Speed Watch (CSW).  A member of the CSW asked that the PC encourage more residents to join the Team and that they permanently place a Speed Indicator Device on that road.  He advised that Green Man Road is by far the worst for offenders, who are not even put off by Team members stood at the side of the road!  Cllr Overton was asked to investigate when Green Man Road was going to be completed and brought into line with the newly repaired Heath Road at Boothby Graffoe?  Discussion took place on the possibility of placing “white gates” at the village entry points, as well as 30 MPH signs being painted on the roads.   Another resident asked that Green Man Road was not widened to stop large haulage lorries using it.  Cllr Overton urged residents to report lorry drivers to their companies or to LCC Highways.

Venue Consultant.  A resident raised concerns about the Consultant engaged by the PC to develop the business.  After discussion, the Chairman assured her that the current contract was only for consultancy services. Cllrs Burt & Gunning advised that footfall at the Venue had been affected by COVID.  Use of Microsoft Teams & Zoom for meetings etc, as well as a reduction in the number of people volunteering to run activity groups had led to a downturn in bookings.  Cllr McFaul explained that she was keen to create a more welcoming atmosphere at the Venue and hopefully attract some new volunteers who could commit to helping on a long term basis.   The Chairman encouraged the resident to come along to the next Venue Focus Group on the 3 June 2024. 

Renaming of The Venue.  A resident asked that consideration be given to changing the name of the Venue as people assumed when driving past that it was either a private business or a nightclub.  Cllr Watts agreed and said that the name needed to be changed as soon as possible and that it should not be hard to do.   Cllr Carless advised that the name had been originally chosen to appeal to those looking to hold a wedding there. The proposal is to be discussed at the next Venue trustee meeting scheduled for the 11 June 2024.

Proposed Solar Farms & Sub Station.  A resident raised a concern that the Parish Council may have left it too late to advertise the proposed new Sub Station & Solar Farms.  The Chairman advised that the “Stop Fosse Green” Action Group was in the initial stages of designing a leaflet which would go to every household in Navenby prior to the Public meeting which is to be held at The Venue on the 8th July 2024 at 7.30pm.

4.    Closing remarks from the Chairman.

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming along and for their participation in the event.  

The Chairman declared the meeting closed @ 20.15 hrs.