Grant Policy

Navenby With Skinnand Parish Council

Policy For Grants And Charitable Donations


  1. Introduction.  Navenby Parish Council (PC) is funded by a precept levied as part of Council Tax.  Towards the end of each financial year (31st December), the level of this precept is determined for the forthcoming year by analysis of the PC’s proposed spending plans.  It is therefore incumbent on the PC to exercise prudence when considering applications for grants or charitable donations, particularly those that are made after the financial year’s budget has been approved.  For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:


  1. Grant.  A quantity of money given by the PC to an organisation or person for a specific purpose and which is deemed by the PC to further its interests.  The PC will require evidence to show that this money is being or has been spent in accordance with the terms of the grant, and that any element of the grant that becomes surplus to its original purpose is returned to the PC.


  1. Charitable Donation.  A quantity of money given by the PC to an organisation or person as humanitarian aid or to further their cause.  The PC does not expect to receive any direct benefit from the donation, or that the beneficiary will account for how it has been used.


  1. Principles Supporting Grants and Charitable Donation.  When considering whether to award a grant or make a charitable donation, the PC will follow the principles defined below:


  1. Grants and charitable donations can be considered either proactively or reactively.


  1. Applications from the public for either type of financial assistance should, in normal circumstances, be made by the end of October for consideration within the following year’s budget.  


  1. No financial assistance will be provided to political or pressure groups, since the aims of such groups cannot be presumed to be consistent with the views of village residents.


  1. Applications from organisations that are not represented within the parish of Navenby with Skinnand will not normally be considered.


  1. Because charitable donations are not expected to benefit the PC directly, their total value within a single year will not normally exceed £300 or 1/2% of the annual precept).


  1. Because grants are intended to further the PC’s interests, their individual or collective value is not constrained.  Therefore, they should normally be part of the year’s planned expenditure and will not be approved if by doing so a significant increase in the annual precept would be required, unless previous agreement for such an increase has been sought within the Parish.


  1. Applications for grants or charitable donations must be submitted in hard copy using the form at Annex A; in the first instance, the Parish Clerk can offer advice as to whether an application falls within the criteria for a grant or a charitable donation.


  1. Any application(s) for a grant or charitable donation will be tabled as an agenda item for the next PC meeting.